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01 Introduction

02 Overall Description

03 System Features

04 External Interface Requirements

05 Other Non-functional Requirements

06 Other Requirements

Chapter 01


Software requirements specifications document plays a crucial role for any software development process. It not only helps in defining the specific set of requirements and associated goals, but also helps streamline the whole development process and optimize the outcome.

Purpose of SRS Documentation

The main purpose of SRS documentation is to define and outline the entire software development framework, requirements, and goals. Not only does it provide an in-depth overview of the development requirements and criteria, but also help define the key associated parameters and let the developers align with the development goals effciently.

SRS Document Conventions

Before you start the SRS documenting process, it is advisable to have the basic idea on SRS document conventions and how to implement it. An SRS document convention contains a list of formats along with their explanations that are used in a document.

For instance, what notions are used, what bold or italic formats imply, and others. This section is often considered optional but it is always a good practice to include it in your SRS document.

Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

It is important to specify the target audience who are supposed to read the document as well as the required information or knowledge they need before reading it. Generally such documents are meant for developers, engineers, domain experts, project managers, and others. However, the reading suggestions may vary based on the development or product type, framework or tech stack to be used, product features or solutions, overall product goals and other factors.

Project Scope

Undoubtedly the project scope makes a very significant part of an SRS. It includes several factors and information related to the software project. Some of the important pointers that you must include in this part of your SRS document are -

  • The problem statement behind the software development or, the main purpose
  • The related outline to define the purpose of your product in a structured manner
  • A clear description of what you are going to build/develop
  • Details regarding the delivery for approval
To summarize, here you need to focus on four Ds -

Define the purpose of your product

Describe what’s being developed

Detail the specific set of requirements

Deliver it for the approval


This section of the SRS is for listing any other papers or Web addresses that this SRS refers to. User interface style guides, contracts, standards, system requirements specifications, use case documents, and a vision and scope document are examples of these types of documents.