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10 Most Popular Cross-platform Mobile Development Framework of 2024

Krunal Shah

Feb 26, 2024

13 min readLast Updated Jun 26, 2024

Cross-platform Mobile Development Framework of 2024

Developers face numerous challenges, including the need to build apps that work seamlessly across multiple platforms, each with its own programming language and development environment. This is where cross-platform app development frameworks come into play, offering a approach to creating apps that provide a consistent experience on both Android and iOS devices. Developing a cross platform app let your product reach a larger audience in a cost-effective manner.

Our Co-Founder Krunal Shah also added:-

“Cross-platform app development frameworks are game-changers in this regard, enabling developers to build applications that deliver a uniform experience on both Android and iOS devices. This approach not only enhances efficiency but also ensures that our products reach a wider audience, making it an essential strategy for businesses aiming to grow in this fast-moving digital world.”

The demand for cross-platform app development frameworks has reached a new height. The prime reason behind this increased demand is that cross-platform apps have a wider reach than native apps, which allows businesses to reach a wide number of people, making it a ‘one-of-a-kind technology.’

There were 3.55 million mobile apps available on the Google Play Store and 1.6 million apps on the App Store in the third quarter of 2023, with Android and iOS together now accounting for 99% of the worldwide mobile operating system market.

In this blog, we'll dive into the 10 most popular cross-platform mobile development frameworks of 2024, exploring their benefits, key features, and the unique advantages they offer to developers.

What is a Cross-Platform App Development Framework?

A cross-platform app development framework is a software toolkit that enables developers to create mobile applications that run on multiple mobile operating systems from a single codebase. These frameworks simplify the app development process by providing a unified programming environment, reducing the need for separate development projects for each platform. By leveraging these frameworks, developers can significantly cut down on development time and costs while ensuring their apps can reach a wider audience.

10 Best Cross-Platform App Development Frameworks

Here's a closer look at the 10 best cross-platform app development frameworks that will provide you the best efficiency

1. Flutter Native Apps in Record Time

Flutter Native Apps

Developed by Google, Flutter has quickly risen to prominence for its ability to create visually appealing and highly performant mobile apps from a single codebase. It uses Dart as its programming language, which is optimized for fast, on-the-fly compilation to native code.

flutter cross platform

This allows developers to achieve smooth animations and transitions that run at 60fps, which is essential for creating a responsive user interface..

Also read: Why Flutter Is the Best Platform to Make Hybrid Apps?

Flutter cross-platform app framework develops apps that can run effectively on multiple platforms. Some of the main Key Features of this open-source cross platform app framework are:

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Key Features:

  • Hot reload allows developers to see changes in real-time without restarting the app.

  • A rich set of widgets for quick and customizable UI development.

  • A supportive community and extensive documentation.

Target Platforms: Android, iOS, Web, Desktop

Pros and Cons:

  • Pro: Offers a consistent UI and business logic across all platforms.

  • Con: The app size might be larger compared to other frameworks, which could be a downside for simple applications.

Example Apps: Applications like Google Ads and Alibaba are built with Flutter, demonstrating its robustness.

Flutter's architecture is designed around widgets, which are the basic building blocks of a Flutter app's user interface. This approach encourages a modular and reusable codebase, facilitating the rapid development of complex UIs. However, the relatively large size of apps built with Flutter can be a drawback, particularly for simple apps where minimal download time and storage space are priorities.

Did you know:- Flutter is the most popular cross platform mobile framework in the world at 46%. According to the reports from statista.

2. React Native Is a Star in Itself

React Native

When discussing the most popular cross-platform mobile development frameworks, it is hard to not include React Native in that list. React Native is extensively used for both iOS and Android as it is a well-known cross-platform development entity. Created by Facebook in 2015, it's no shock that its developer’s community is growing by leaps and bounds.

React Native combines the best aspects of native development with React, a best-in-class JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows developers to build mobile apps that feel truly native without compromising on the development speed and efficiency that comes with using JavaScript.

Despite being based on JavaScript React Native does not use HTML technology or WebView or CSS. Instead of them, components of the platform consist of CSS-like polyfills and JSX. In addition to this, there is no DOM API in React Native.

The biggest USP on this cross-platform app is that it combines the best features of ReactJS and JavaScript. Moreover, the developers have the luxury of creating some parts using Java, Swift or Objective-C.

Key Features:

  • Live reloading for real-time updates during development.

  • Strong performance in mobile environments, closely mimicking native app behavior.

  • Direct access to native components allows for a seamless user experience.

  • Target Platforms: Android, iOS

Pros and Cons:

  • Pro: Enables developers to write code once and deploy on both major platforms, saving time and resources.

  • Con: Complex applications might still require native code, which can complicate development.

Example Apps: Major apps like Facebook and Instagram showcase its capabilities.

One of React Native’s strengths is its community, which is among the largest for any cross-platform framework. This community support translates to a wealth of tutorials, forums, and third-party tools that can help solve virtually any development challenge. However, complex apps might still require native code, which can steepen the learning curve for developers unfamiliar with native mobile development.

Read More: Flutter vs React Native: What to choose

3. Ionic is ‘Iconic’ in Every Sense


Ionic framework is by far the most popular cross-platform mobile development framework which is based on AngularJS. It is an open-source cross-platform app development framework which was made first in 2013 by Adam Bradley, Max Lynch and Ben Sperry. The main components of Ionic’s main version were Apache Cordova and AngularJS.

Due to the Apache Cordova principles, the mobile applications that are created with Ionic framework are hybrid HTML apps. The USP of these apps is that it runs in a special shell on your smartphone devices. For example, the applications run on WebView for Android and UIWebView for iOS.

Ionic framework is designed to enable web developers to build mobile and progressive web apps (PWAs) using familiar web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It’s especially suited for creating applications that do not require complex animations or high performance, making it a good choice for small businesses and simple applications.

Key Features

  • A rich library of front-end components.

  • Integrates with Angular, React, and Vue.

  • Capacitor provides native access to device features.

Target Platforms: Android, iOS, Web

Pros and Cons:

  • Pro: Easy to learn for developers familiar with web technologies
  • Con: Webview for rendering might not match the performance of native apps.

Example Apps: Sworkit is a great example of Ionic to create high performance quality mobile apps.

Ionic's emphasis on web technologies makes it highly accessible to developers but can lead to performance limitations for more complex or demanding applications. Its integration with Angular, React, and Vue also makes it versatile and adaptable to different project requirements.

Read More: React Native Vs Ionic: The Battle of Two Cross-Platform App Development

4. Cordova Your App, Every Device.


Apache Cordova offers a way to build mobile applications using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, with the ability to access device hardware features such as the GPS, camera, and accelerometer via its extensive plugin system.

Brief Overview: Apache Cordova (formerly PhoneGap) is a mobile application development framework that allows developers to create apps using CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript instead of relying on platform-specific APIs.

Key Features

  • Access to native device APIs.

  • Large plugin library.

  • Supports development for multiple platforms with a single codebase.

Target Platforms: Android, iOS, Windows Phone

Pros and Cons

  • Pro: Leverages web technologies for mobile app development.

  • Con: Performance can be slower compared to native apps.

Example Apps: Cp Jobsite and Estella Furs are two examples for mobile app development, built on Cordova.

While Cordova enables developers to create mobile apps using web technologies, it can sometimes result in lower performance compared to native apps, especially for graphically intensive applications. This makes it more suited for content-driven apps rather than performance-critical games or applications.

Read More: Best Node.js Frameworks For Efficient Web Development

5. Xamarin Is Distinct Yet Useful


Xamarin uses C# and .NET to create apps that can run on nearly any platform while sharing code across all of them. It's particularly strong in scenarios where business logic needs to be shared across web and mobile apps but with a native user interface on each platform.

Xamarin allows the developers to use 90% of the code to build apps for different platforms.

Key Features

  • Native performance across all platforms, utilizing platform-specific hardware acceleration.

  • Full .NET framework support enhances development capabilities.

  • Backed by Microsoft, ensuring stability and continuous updates.

Target Platforms: Android, iOS, Windows

Pros and Cons

  • Pro: Shared codebase reduces development time and costs.

  • Con: Limited access to certain platform-specific features can be a drawback for some developers.

Example Apps: Alaska Airlines are examples of Xamarin’s capability to deliver complex, reliable applications.

Xamarin's approach to cross-platform development strikes a balance between development efficiency and native app performance. However, the framework can produce larger app sizes and may require platform-specific adjustments to achieve the desired performance and look.

Did you know:- The original name of the platform was mono and it was called in 2011 also microsoft acquired Xamarin for between USD 400 to 500 million.

Also read: Does Your Web Application Need A Front-End Framework?

6. NativeScript Is Rising Through the Ranks


NativeScript allows developers to use JavaScript, Angular, Vue.js, or TypeScript to build native mobile applications. Unlike other frameworks that use web views, NativeScript apps use real native components, providing a high-performance user experience that is indistinguishable from apps built using native SDKs.

NativeScript scores its place amongst the most popular cross-platform mobile development frameworks  because of the convenience it provides developers who don’t need to install extra plugins for various other functions. Moreover, the platform is aptly suited to work on Write Once, Run Anytime (WORA) functionality, NativeScript is best fit for you. In addition, the developers can use the existing plugins as NativeScript has all native APIs.

Key Features

  • Direct access to Android and iOS APIs.

  • Native UI without WebViews.

  • Rich ecosystem and plugins.

Target Platforms: Android, iOS

Pros and Cons

  • Pro: Offers native performance and UI.

  • Con: Steeper learning curve for developers new to Angular or Vue.js.

Example Apps: Daily Nanny and Strudel

NativeScript is particularly well-suited for developers who prefer to work with Angular or Vue.js. However, its community is smaller compared to frameworks like React Native or Flutter, which might affect the availability of resources and third-party plugins.

7. Unity Build Worlds, Play Anywhere


Unity is a powerful engine for game development that also offers features for mobile app development. Its ability to create visually rich and interactive experiences makes it ideal for projects that require high-quality graphics, 3D modeling, and real-time animations.

Its cross-platform compatibility, intuitive interface, and extensive resources make it an attractive choice for developers seeking to create visually stunning and interactive projects, pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation across diverse fields.

  • Key Features:

  • High-quality 3D and 2D graphics.

  • Comprehensive asset store.

  • Strong support for AR and VR applications.

Target Platforms: Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, game consoles

Pros and Cons

  • Pro: Best in class for games and interactive applications.

  • Con: Overkill for simple or non-graphical apps; licensing costs.

Example Apps: Pokémon GO and Monument Valley

While Unity is an excellent choice for game development or apps with complex animations and graphics, it might be overkill for simpler applications. The learning curve can be steep for those not familiar with game development principles.

Did you know:- While widely known for games like Fall Guys and Cuphead, Unity is used for diverse projects like architectural simulations, VR training experiences, and even medical visualizations.

Also read: Native vs. Cross-Platform: How and What to Choose?

8. Qt Write Once, Design Everywhere


Qt is a cross-platform C++ framework used for developing applications and graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that run on various hardware and software platforms. It's particularly well-suited for creating complex, high-performance applications that need to run on desktop, embedded, and mobile platforms.

Key Features

  • Strong graphics support for UI and 3D applications.
  • Wide range of tools for development, testing, and deployment.
  • Supports embedded, desktop, and mobile applications.
  • Target Platforms: Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, embedded systems

Pros and Cons

  • Pro: Powerful for complex applications and supports a wide range of platforms.
  • Con: C++ can be challenging for beginners and the license cost for commercial use.

Example Apps: Autodesk Maya and  Skype are one of the best example for Qt framework

Qt’s comprehensive set of features and tools make it a powerful option for developers working on cross-platform applications, especially where performance and fluid user interfaces are critical. However, its licensing model and the complexity of C++ may be barriers for some developers.

9. Appcelerator Titanium for Easier Mobile App Development

Appcelerator Titanium

Appcelerator Titanium is an open-source cross-platform app development framework, first released in 2008. Its core features include device functionality, cross-platform API for accessing native UI and MVC-based framework alloy.

Appcelerator Titanium uses JavaScript to create native apps across different platforms. It combines the flexibility of JavaScript with the power of native development, allowing for the creation of high-quality mobile applications.

The developers can deploy data models easily through Appcelerator Titanium as it offers a schema-less database ArrowDB. It majorly focusses on streamlining the mobile app development process with the assistance of the native components.

Key Features:

  • Alloy Framework: Titanium’s MVC framework Alloy allows developers to write less code and

  • Direct Access to Native APIs: Offers comprehensive access to native functionality
  • Integrated Mobile Backend Services (MBaaS): Appcelerator includes cloud services out of the box.

Target Platforms: Android, iOS

Pros and Cons:

  • Pro: Because it generates native UI components, the performance is generally superior to hybrid apps.

  • Con: The reliance on a proprietary platform means that developers must invest in learning the specifics of the framework.

Example Apps: Several notable applications have been developed with Appcelerator Titanium, including Hyperloop  and PlexusRx  showcasing its capability to deliver professional, high-quality mobile applications.

10. Sencha Touch Is a Boon to Develop Large Business Apps

Sencha Ext JS

The basic application of Sencha Touch is to accelerate hardware techniques. Moreover, if you are looking for inbuilt Cordova integration, Sencha Touch cross-platform app development framework is your best bet.

Sencha Ext JS is designed for building data-intensive, cross-platform web and mobile applications using JavaScript. It offers a wide range of pre-built components and tools that make it particularly useful for enterprise-level applications.

Key Features

  • Comes with over 140 pre-integrated and high-performing components,
  • Offers a powerful data package that supports complex data management and manipulation
  • Includes Sencha Architect, a visual app builder that simplifies the development process.

Target Platforms: Web (primarily), with capabilities for mobile app development through wrappers or mobile-optimized views.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pro: Extjs extensive component library and data management capabilities
  • Con: The learning curve can be steep due to its comprehensive nature.

Example Apps: Sencha Ext JS is used by thousands of enterprises like Fidelity Investments and nationwide building society.

Sencha Ext JS is a solid choice for enterprise developers who need to build complex, feature-rich applications. However, its steep learning curve and the cost of licenses can be significant considerations for individual developers or smaller teams.

Did you know that:- Sencha, the company behind Ext JS, used to host an annual conference called SenchaCon. It brought together developers and IT professionals from around the globe to share insights, techniques, and innovations in web application development using Sencha technologies.


We hope the above-mentioned list of the most popular cross-platform mobile development frameworks was insightful and will play a pivotal role in redefining your mobile app development process. After reading about their descriptions and their salient features, it would make it easier for you to choose the best platform for your product.

Choosing the right cross-platform app framework is important as it would be vital in increasing the user base of your product. Thus, look for an experienced cross-platform application development company to assist you in developing your next project.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1.What is a cross platform framework?

A cross platform frameworks refers to a framework that is used by the developers to develop applications for multiple platforms and ensure compatibility for all. Some of the major advantages of this type of framework are faster delivery, single source code, hassle-free product maintenance and others.

2. Is .net framework cross platform?

Yes, .Net is a cross platform app development framework and also it is open source, lets you use multiple languages, editors, and libraries to build such applications.

3.Is Angular a cross platform framework?

Angular is a famous cross platform framework which just requires a JavaScript engine to be executed. This open source framework is written in TypeScript and offers the developers with a standard structure to build cross-platform applications.

4.Which framework can be used to develop cross platform applications?

Some of the competitive cross platform application development frameworks are Flutter, React Native, Ionic, and Node.JS, to name a few. All these frameworks come with their own set of advantages to build cross platform applications such as inbuilt graphic engine, open-source cross platform app development solution, and wide developer’s community, to name a few.

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