Is React Native the Right Choice for Your Business?

Krunal Shah

Oct 13, 2021

5 min readLast Updated Dec 05, 2022

Smartphones took over the digital era a long time ago. It made mobile apps the primary choice for both consumers and organizations. The mobile app market is close to generating a revenue of $693 billion. This demand created a massive pool of opportunities for developing scalable and intuitive mobile apps for IT business owners.

A major challenge for app developers is choosing between building a cross-platform or a native app. Hence, the firms focus on choosing a framework that helps them target both two prominent platforms - Android and iOS. Building two different apps for each platform takes immense time and resources, the reason why the React Native cross-platform framework scores over other options.

This article will entail why React Native is the right choice for building cross-platform mobile apps for your business. Let us understand how cross-platform apps work.

What are Cross-platform Apps?

Cross-platform development allows your application to be compatible with not just one type of device. It reduces the time and cost of developing apps as the developers only need to code once, and they can use the same code for both. It's ideal for those seeking a quick time-to-market and low development costs. React Native is a programming language with different frameworks and tools to make cross-platform app development easier.

Why Choose React Native for Business in 2021?

The popularity of React Native among software developers has been growing leaps and bounds with each passing year since 2015. With 42% of mobile app developers choosing this framework worldwide, big firms started implementing React Native when Facebook embraced it. Other prominent uses include Instagram's settings module, Discord, Uber Eats, Skype, Call of Duty.

Here are the top 5 parameters that make React Native an ideal framework:

1. Using Redux with React Native

If you've ever tried to develop an app for both iOS and Android, you know that the data layers are entirely different. This is where the various React Native development strategies come in. One of the most popular is Redux, which is a predictable state container. When used with React Native, Redux makes it easy to track and implement changes in the application state. Eventually, it enables developers to build a shared data layer for both Android and Apple apps.

React Native Edge: Implementing Redux ensures that code remains stable and delivers high performance without any need to write it separately for both platforms.

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2. Customization Through Third-party Plugins

Customization is the name of the game with React Native. Ir makes up for what it lacks in not having all the components in its main framework. As a JavaScript framework, it can extend its capabilities with third-party plugins. Using these plugins, React Native can translate JavaScript/TypeScript code into native app components. Such customization levels are often not found in other frameworks.

React Native Edge: Utilizing the "Platform Module," developers can efficiently detect which platform is running an app. It makes them able to control the app flow accordingly. It also helps in rendering the app's look and feel values while implementing minimal changes.

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3. Readable and Straightforward UI Changes

React Native provides a quick and easy way to change your UI. You can just describe the interface that you want, and React Native will do the work for you. It's a declarative programming method, which makes it simple to follow, read, and understand. With React Native, you just have to change the program's state, and the changes in the UI will appear accordingly.

Additionally, it also offers the option of native styling. Developers can see the successful reflection of a style element in both Android and Apple platforms. It's a better and streamlined approach than Auto Layout for creating customized UI and UX.

React Native Edge: React Native has several built-in tools and libraries that work in tandem to deliver a rapid app development process. Nativebase is one such library with some essential development tools that provide a native appearance to your app.

4. Simultaneously Supportive Components

React Native is a combination of various components which are independent and have their own logic. The components are interchangeable between Android and iOS, so it is easier to maintain one application instead of maintaining two applications. It's easier to develop and maintain code when changes in one place reflect changes everywhere else. Hence, it also reduces development costs as there is no need to hire two developers. Hiring a React Native developer to develop and launch apps on both platforms is a more economical option.

React Native Edge: The open-source nature of React Native allows easy development by combining cross-platform capabilities and reusing ReactJS code. Thus, mobile app development becomes more streamlined if you have also developed a website or web app with Reactjs.


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5. Automatic Data Reloading

React Native has an excellent way to edit your code and see the changes reflected in the app without reloading it. React Native's Hot Reloading feature uses a state preservation mechanism that ensures no data loss in your app. A few code changes enable automatic updates in your app that also enhance the development speed.

React Native Edge: Flutter is a powerful contender when it comes to the Hot Reload feature. However, React Native conquers it in terms of platform support. Currently, Flutters offers support for only mobile apps. Web support is in the beta phase, while desktop support is in the alpha stage. In contrast, React Native provides support for all three platforms.

Concluding Words: More Benefits Than Disadvantages

The performance of apps developed with React Native is still a concern. However, with powerful devices, the issue becomes almost negligible. Having an experienced and hands-on development team can easily eliminate performance issues without any optimization. Even though there are significant disadvantages like inconsistent platforms and difficult learning curves, expert organization skills and best practices can efficiently overcome them.

At Third Rock Techkno, our React Native developers ensure the development of flexible and extendable React Native apps. With post-development support and maintenance, we aim to deliver scalable cross-platform apps for small and large-scale organizations.We hope this article solved all your questions about choosing React Native for your next cross-platform app development project. For any further questions, you can talk to our expert developers.

Krunal Shah

Krunal Shah is the CTO and Co-founder at Third Rock Techkno. With extensive experience gained over a decade, Krunal helps his clients build software solutions that stand out in the industry and are lighter on the pocket.

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