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Top 10 Software Development Outsourcing Trends for 2024

Krunal Shah

Sep 08, 2022

12 min readLast Updated Feb 29, 2024

Software development is continually evolving, and the rise of software development outsourcing drives a significant part of this change. As we enter 2024, outsourcing isn’t just a trend, it's an integral strategy for businesses seeking to stay competitive. Outsourcing offers numerous benefits, such as cost reduction, access to a global talent pool, and faster development cycles, making it an attractive option for companies looking to innovate and grow.

On top of that, according to the reports from Statista, the projected revenue for the outsourcing market will reach US 515.5bn in 2024.

Our Co-Founder Krunal Shah also added:-

“As we step into 2024, outsourcing has become more than just a trend,  it's a strategic necessity for businesses aiming to remain competitive. The advantages of outsourcing, including cost savings, access to a global talent pool, and accelerated development cycles, are undeniable. It's a powerful approach for companies that are eager to innovate and expand. “

Outsourcing software development has become a strategic choice for many businesses looking to leverage technology for growth. Let's dive into the key benefits that make outsourcing an attractive option for companies aiming to enhance their software development processes.

What Is Software Development Outsourcing?

Software development outsourcing is defined as the process of outsourcing the software development process from a third-party company, team, or service provider. Software development outsourcing is highly efficient in turning your software development plan or idea into a successful product. Software development outsourcing offers a complete solution for professional development planning, features and solutions outlining, tech stack research, MVP development, testing, and launching.

Software Development Outsourcing Trends

There are mainly three advantages of software development outsourcing:

1. Cost Reduction

One of the primary advantages of software development outsourcing is the potential for significant cost savings. Businesses can reduce operational and labor costs in several ways through outsourcing:

  • Lower Labor Costs: Outsourcing allows companies to tap into a global talent pool where labor costs may be significantly lower than in their home country. This difference in labor costs can lead to substantial savings on development projects.

  • Reduced Infrastructure Investment: By outsourcing software development, businesses can save on the infrastructure and technology investments required for in-house development. Outsourcing partners already have the necessary tools, licenses, and environments to develop and test software.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: Outsourcing provides businesses with the flexibility to scale their development efforts up or down based on project requirements. This scalability helps in managing costs more effectively, avoiding the fixed expenses associated with hiring full-time staff.

2. Access to Talent

Access to a vast and diverse talent pool is another significant benefit of outsourcing software development. This global access enables businesses to find the specific skills and expertise needed for their projects:

  • Specialized Expertise: Outsourcing firms often have teams with specialized skills in technologies such as AI, blockchain, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. This expertise can be leveraged to enhance the quality and innovation of software solutions.

  • Quality Assurance: Reputable outsourcing companies maintain high standards of quality and employ best practices in software development. This ensures that the delivered software is of high quality, meeting or exceeding industry standards.
  • Cultural and Linguistic Diversity: Access to a global talent pool also means businesses can benefit from cultural and linguistic diversity, which can be particularly advantageous for projects targeting international markets.

3. Faster Development Cycles

Outsourcing can significantly accelerate development cycles, enabling businesses to bring their products to market more quickly:

  • 24/7 Development: Thanks to time zone differences, work can often continue around the clock. When one team finishes their day, another team in a different time zone can pick up where they left off, effectively keeping the project moving forward 24/7.

  • Agile and Efficient Processes: Outsourcing firms often employ agile development methodologies, which emphasize rapid delivery, flexibility, and continuous improvement. This approach can lead to faster development cycles and quicker time-to-market.

  • Focus on Core Business: By outsourcing software development, businesses can focus on their core competencies and strategic initiatives. This focus can further speed up the time-to-market as internal resources are not spread thin across multiple projects.

Now that you know about the benefits of outsourcing, let's explore why outsourcing is increasing

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Why is the Software Outsourcing Trend Increasing?

If you are planning to outsource software development, then you must be well aware of the current and upcoming trends to make the best decision possible.

Software Development Outsourcing Trends
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Outsourcing software development comes into play, offering a multitude of benefits that are driving its increasing popularity.

Let's delve into the reasons why software outsourcing is becoming a preferred choice for companies looking to enhance their software development capabilities.

  • Globalized Talent Pool: Outsourcing opens doors to a world of skilled developers, offering a diverse range of expertise and ideas.

  • Focus on Core Competencies: This approach allows businesses to concentrate on their primary strengths while outsourcing secondary tasks.

  • Speed and Agility: Outsourcing accelerates development processes, enabling companies to quickly adapt to market changes.
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In 2024, outsourcing software development services has been increasing heavily. And below are the top ten trends that you must know about it.

1. AI and Machine Learning Integration

  • What It Is: AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) are technologies that make software capable of learning from data, making decisions, and performing tasks that usually require human intelligence.

  • Why It Matters: They can transform traditional software into more intelligent and automated systems.

  • Outsourcing Benefits: By outsourcing AI/ML projects, companies can access specialized skills and knowledge that might not be available in-house. This allows them to develop cutting-edge solutions without the need for extensive training or hiring.

Did you know:- The global artificial intelligence (AI) software market is forecast to grow rapidly in the coming years, reaching around 126 billion U.S. dollars by 2025.According to the report from

2. Platform-Independent App Development

  • What It Is: This involves creating applications that work seamlessly across various platforms and devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers.

  • Why It Matters: With the diverse range of devices available, it’s important for apps to function properly on any device a user might have.

  • Outsourcing Benefits: Outsourcing teams that specialize in cross-platform tools like Flutter or React Native can efficiently develop these universal apps. This ensures a broader reach and a consistent user experience, which is crucial for user satisfaction and engagement.

3. Cybersecurity

  • What It Is: Cybersecurity in software development involves protecting applications from digital attacks, unauthorized access, and other cyber threats.

  • Why It Matters: As cyber threats become more sophisticated, ensuring the security of software is crucial for protecting sensitive data and maintaining user trust.

  • Outsourcing Benefits: Hiring external teams specializing in cybersecurity can provide advanced protection. These experts stay up-to-date with the latest security trends and threats, offering a level of expertise that is essential for robust defense mechanisms.

Did you know:-Cybersecurity ventures expects global cybercrime costs to grow by 15 percent per year over the next five years, reaching $10.5 trillion USD annually by 2025, up from $3 trillion USD in 2015.According to the reports from cybersecurity ventures.

4. Cloud-Based Development

  • What It Is: This is the practice of using cloud computing platforms and services for developing, hosting, and managing applications.

  • Why It Matters: Cloud computing offers scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency, making it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes.

  • Outsourcing Benefits: Outsourcing cloud development allows businesses to tap into the expertise of specialists in cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or GCP. These experts can optimize cloud usage for better performance, security, and cost savings.

On top of that, the global Cloud Computing market size is expected to grow from USD 371.4 billion in 2020 to USD 832.1 billion by 2025. According to the report from prnewswire

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5. Agile Development Methodologies

  • What It Is: Agile development is a set of methods and practices based on the values and principles expressed in the Agile Manifesto. It emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer satisfaction.

  • Why It Matters: Agile methods allow for rapid response to change and continuous improvement, which is vital in today’s fast-paced software environment.

  • Outsourcing Benefits: Outsourcing to teams skilled in Agile methodologies can enhance the development process, ensuring faster delivery of high-quality software that meets user needs.

Teams know how to quickly adapt to changes and work closely with you to make sure the final product is exactly what you need. By bringing these experts on board, you can make sure your software is built faster and better, meeting the needs of the people who will use it

6. Increased Use of Big Data

  • What It Is: Big Data refers to the large volume of data that businesses collect, which can be structured or unstructured. Analyzing this data can provide valuable insights.

  • Why It Matters: Proper analysis of big data can help companies understand market trends, customer preferences, and other business-critical information.

  • Outsourcing Benefits: By outsourcing big data projects, companies can leverage the expertise of data scientists and analysts who can turn vast amounts of data into actionable insights.. Outsourcing big data projects is like asking for that help.

Businesses can get experts who are really good at analyzing data (or solving puzzles) to help them. These experts can quickly find patterns and insights in the data, which the business can use to make smarter decisions, like creating products people will love or improving their services.

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8. Focus on User Experience (UX) and Design

  • What It Is: UX design in software development focuses on the overall experience of the user when interacting with an application.

  • Why It Matters: A great user experience and intuitive design can significantly impact the success and adoption of software.

  • Outsourcing Benefits: Outsourcing UX design to expert designers ensures that the software is not only functional but also visually appealing and user-friendly.

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9. DevOps Practices

  • What It Is: DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops), aiming to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality.

  • Why It Matters: DevOps practices lead to faster development times, reduced errors, and improved collaboration between teams.

  • Outsourcing Benefits: By outsourcing DevOps, companies can integrate these practices into their development process, benefiting from improved efficiency and streamlined operations.

Companies bring in experts from outside to help their development and operations teams work together more effectively. This can make the process of developing and delivering software even faster and with higher quality, making users happier.

10. Blockchain Technology

  • What It Is: Blockchain is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system.

  • Why It Matters: While known for cryptocurrencies, blockchain has wider applications such as secure transactions, supply chain management, and digital identities.

  • Outsourcing Benefits: Outsourcing blockchain development can help companies implement secure, transparent, and efficient systems. Blockchain experts can develop decentralized applications that offer high levels of security and trust.

Did you know:- According to GlobalData estimates, the blockchain market will grow from US$18.42 billion in 2023 to US$508.1 billion in 2030 at a CAGR of 62.4% over the forecast period.

What to Look for in Software Development Outsourcing?

1. Vendor Qualifications and Expertise

  • Experience and Track Record: Look at the number of years they've been in business and the types of projects they've completed. A vendor with a strong track record in your industry or technology area is preferable.

  • Technical Skills: Ensure the vendor has the necessary technical skills and expertise. Ask about their developers' qualifications, certifications, and the technologies they specialize in.

  • Portfolio and Case Studies: Review their portfolio and case studies to understand the complexity and scale of projects they've handled. This can also give you insights into their problem-solving abilities.

  • Client References: Request references from past clients to get feedback on their collaboration, quality of work, and ability to meet deadlines.

2. Communication Strategies

  • Language and Cultural Compatibility: Check if there are any language barriers. Also, consider cultural compatibility, which can significantly affect communication styles and work ethics.

  • Communication Tools and Protocols: Inquire about the tools and methods they use for communication (like emails, video calls, project management tools) and ensure they align with your preferences.

  • Regular Updates and Reporting: Establish how often you will receive project updates. Regular reporting is crucial to keep track of progress and address issues promptly.

  • Time Zone Differences: Consider the time zone differences and how they will manage coordination. Some companies offer overlapping hours or flexible schedules to ensure smooth collaboration.

3. Security Measures

  • Data Protection and Privacy Policies: Ensure they have strict data protection policies in place. Inquire about how they handle and store sensitive data.

  • Intellectual Property Rights Protection: Understand their policies on intellectual property rights. Ensure that your intellectual property is protected through legal agreements.

  • Security Certifications: Check if they have any security certifications like ISO 27001, which indicates they adhere to international standards in keeping data safe.

  • Disaster Recovery and Backup Plans: Ask about their disaster recovery strategies and backup plans. This is crucial for ensuring business continuity in case of any unforeseen events.

4. Project Management and Methodologies

  • Project Management Approach: Understand their project management style. Check if they use Agile, Waterfall, or other methodologies and whether that aligns with your project needs.

  • Quality Assurance Processes: Inquire about their quality assurance and testing processes. This is crucial for ensuring the final product is of high quality and free of bugs.

  • Flexibility and Scalability: Evaluate their ability to scale the team up or down based on project requirements and their flexibility to adapt to changes in the project scope.

5. Pricing and Contract Terms

  • Cost Structure: Understand their pricing model – whether it's fixed-price, time-and-materials, or dedicated team. Ensure there are no hidden costs.

  • Contract Flexibility: Review the contract terms for flexibility in terms of project changes, scaling the team, and termination policies.

  • Payment Terms and Schedules: Discuss payment terms and schedules. Ensure they are fair and align with the project milestones.

6. Cultural Fit and Business Understanding

  • Business Understanding: Assess their understanding of your business goals and objectives. A partner who understands your business can add more value.

  • Cultural Fit: The vendor's corporate culture should align with yours. A good cultural fit ensures smoother collaboration and better understanding.

Software Development Outsourcing Trends

The trends in software development outsourcing for 2024 highlight the industry’s dynamic nature. Businesses leveraging these trends can gain a competitive edge, benefiting from cost-effectiveness, innovation, and enhanced efficiency. The checklist will also provide you a road map to what the are things you need to look for when you are looking for outsourcing development. We at Third Rock Techkno offer services that align with these trends, providing expert solutions tailored to your business needs.


1.Why is software development outsourcing becoming increasingly popular in 2024?

In 2024, many companies choose to outsource their software development because it lets them work with top experts from around the world without worrying about where they're located. This way, they can get the best team for their projects at a lower cost than hiring people in their own country. Plus, it lets companies focus more on their main goals like making new things, helping customers, and growing their business while the outsourced team takes care of the tech stuff.

2.What are some unique trends in software development outsourcing in 2024?

Software development outsourcing in 2024 is witnessing some unique trends that are shaping the industry

  • Specialized Expertise: Companies are seeking outsourced teams with niche skills and deep knowledge in specific technologies or sectors.

  • Remote Collaboration: The rise of remote work has led to more flexible and efficient collaboration between businesses and outsourced teams.

  • Sustainability Focus: There's an increasing emphasis on eco-friendly and sustainable development practices in outsourcing projects.

  • Customizable Solutions: Outsourced teams are offering more tailored and adaptable solutions to meet the specific needs of businesses.

  • Partnership Approach: Companies are moving beyond transactional relationships and looking for outsourced teams that can act as strategic partners in their growth.

3.What are the top five software development outsourcing trends covered in the blog?

The blog highlights the following key trends in software development outsourcing:

  • AI and ML Use: Outsourcing to add smart tech like AI and ML to products for better automation and insights.

  • Universal App Development: Making apps that give a smooth experience on any platform.

  • Focus on Security: Putting a strong emphasis on cybersecurity to protect against digital threats.

  • Cloud Development: Moving towards using cloud services for more efficient software development.
  • Agile Practices: Adopting flexible development practices for faster and more responsive project completion.

4.Can you provide examples of AI/ML applications that businesses are outsourcing?

Businesses are outsourcing various AI/ML projects, including:

  • Chatbots: Creating smart chatbots for instant customer service.

  • Data Analysis: Using AI to dig deep into data for insights and trends.

  • Predictive Maintenance: Using AI to predict when equipment might fail, saving on repairs.
  • Personalized Experiences: Making systems that offer personalized shopping or content based on what the customer likes.

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