How to Pick the Best Languages for Microservices Architecture

Krunal Shah

Apr 18, 2022

8 min readLast Updated Jun 26, 2023

The microservices architecture is of high importance for any app development, especially for large size apps development. This architectural design helps in dividing the whole large application into smaller independent parts. As each of such parts is in charge of different operations, it increases the application efficiency and reliability.

App developers often prefer microservices architecture as it helps maximize the app development speed, and also allows one to move the applications anywhere without disrupting the environment. No wonder 61% of the respondents of a recent survey claimed to use microservices architecture owing to the unlimited benefits it offers. And not only this, according to a recent Statista report, 45% of the respondents claimed that microservices have been used in their data analytics & business intelligence applications.

While its growing adoption and rising popularity are evident among the app developers, there are several concerns that arise related to building microservices architecture such as what are the best languages for microservices, how to choose proper microservices development tools, and others.

So, to ease your task, in this blog we will start with the basics and guide you through how to choose a programming language for microservices, what are the best tools for microservices, and many more. So, let’s get started!

What Is Microservices Architecture?

The microservices architecture is defined as a development methodology where an application is divided into multiple fragments and each of the fragmented parts operates independently and more efficiently. It is basically a cloud-native architectural approach where an application consists of multiple smaller components.

Understanding Microservices Architecture

This architectural method is even more efficient for large apps. By dividing them into smaller parts, the microservices architecture ensures fast deployment, easy shifting without changing the environment, easy upgrading, and many more. Due to their unlimited benefits, developers are migrating their apps to microservices architecture at an increasing rate. Next, we will walk you through the top benefits of migrating to microservices architecture.

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Benefits of Migrating to Microservices Architecture

There are several reasons why microservices architecture has become highly popular around the globe. For instance, according to the latest Statista report, 85% of the respondents from large organizations are presently using microservices. Let’s have a look at its top benefits.

Higher Productivity

As this architectural method divides a large app into smaller and simpler components without any dependency on one another, it becomes much easier to build the whole app. Not only does it make the deployment faster but also simplifies the maintenance and upgrading process of the app. For instance, only a specific component of the app can be upgraded or replaced without affecting the whole app. Microservices architecture also ensures faster, cost-effective deployment and overall higher productivity.

Improved Scalability

Scalability is pivotal for any app development and microservices architecture improves the scalability of an app manyfold. Even if the app is large one can choose to scale its specific components and hence the overall app much faster as and when required. Furthermore, it gives one the liberty to choose different tech stacks for different app components and minimizes the downtime when it comes to adding new app components.

Microservices architecture adoption rate

Better Resiliency

Microservices architecture makes an app more resilient in terms of its functionalities, features, and solutions. Undoubtedly, it lets one track and solves performance or any related app issues faster and easier. Be it fault isolation of individual modules or rolling back an update, it can be executed without affecting the whole app while keeping the downtime minimum.

Optimized Business Functionality

Any business functionality depends majorly on its product components and their individual operability and solutions provided by them. In the microservices architecture, one can easily and closely observe, improve, update and optimize each component’s functionality. As a result, it becomes easier to optimize the overall business functionality.

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Criteria for Choosing Technology and Tools for Microservices

According to a recent report, 73% of organizations use microservices in product development. To leverage the microservices architecture, one needs to build it in the right way. And to proceed with that the basic requirements are - proper programming languages for microservices and microservices development tools. But what are the criteria to choose the best microservices development tools and frameworks? Here’s a go-to guide that can help you make the right decision. Here we have listed the top criteria to choose the best languages for microservices.

Automation Support

Automation is often the key to any product development and the best microservices development tools or the microservices programming languages should support automation to streamline and speed up the entire deployment process. This also ensures reduced errors/flaws during the deployment and hence in the final product.

Easy to Monitor

Microservices architecture facilitates the development of multiple smaller components instead of the whole product. While it increases the efficiency and reliability of the product, it also makes the monitoring process a bit challenging as developers can deploy multiple components simultaneously. To ease this task always opt for the programming language for microservices that are easy to monitor.

Consumer-centric Approach

For any app development, consumers should be your first priority. And you must take care of several factors - how useful the app will be for the end-users, how efficiently it can provide the required solutions, and others. So, it is a must-have criterion while choosing microservices development tools or languages.

Decentralized Components

Decentralization is what optimizes all the advantages microservices architecture offers. It helps maximize production efficiency and reduces the time of product development significantly. And your chosen programming language for microservices must be compatible with this approach.

Independent Development

Undoubtedly independent development is one of the top factors that make microservices architecture stand out from the crowd of conventional architectures. But will the programming language be compatible with such development? If the answer is yes, then you have ticked off important criteria for choosing the best languages for microservices.

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Best Languages for Microservices Architecture

Now comes the most crucial part of choosing a proper programming language for microservices. Based on our above discussion as well as in-depth research, here is a list of the best languages for microservices.

A glimpse of the growing microservices architecture market


Java is the first name worth mentioning that can be a good fit for your microservices architecture. There are several factors that make Java the first choice of the microservices developers such as the simple-to-read annotation syntax of Java, easy-to-deploy Java microservices, and better readability even for developing complex architecture, to name a few.

Furthermore, it is equipped with robust support and solutions to develop Java microservices. Be it a proper UI (User Interface) development or strong connectivity to the back-end resources, Java makes everything easier during the microservices app development.

Another significant advantage of using Java is that it offers a lot of Java EE standards that are focused on microservices architecture such as - JPA for data handling, CDI for lifecycle management, and JAX-RS for APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), and many more. Here are some of the top Java microservices frameworks -:

Restlet - This framework enables the developers to build quality web APIs focused on the REST architecture.

Spring Boot - Spring Boot is a popular Java framework that works the best on the top of diverse languages for inversion control, aspect-oriented programming, and others.

Spark - If you are creating apps in Java 8 or Kotlin, then you must opt for this framework as it simplifies the whole execution process.

Dropwizard - It is another well-known Java microservices framework that is used widely to assemble mature and stable libraries of Java into a lightweight, simple package.

Node JS

Node JS is highly sought-after as a programming language for microservices. Built with the V8 runtime, Node JS optimizes the IO-bound (Input-Output bound) tasks to make them faster and highly efficient. It is often a developer’s first preference, especially when it comes to microservices Node JS development using IO-bound as well as CPU-bound code.

What makes it unique as a programming language for microservices is - that during running an IO call it submits the executable tasks by the internal IO daemon threads without blocking the main thread. If improved productivity, better performance, and cost-effective deployment are your requirements, then Node JS is definitely the best fit for your microservices app development.


This high-level programming language is often adopted as a programming language microservices. And its easier and faster prototyping is one of the top reasons behind it. Python is equipped with compact substitutes when it comes to heavy implementations like Django. Also, Python for microservices is popular for its high compatibility with a broad range of legacy languages such as PHP, ASP, and others that help in hassle-free front-end deployment.

Microservices Python is mostly used with a RESTful API approach so that the web protocols & remote software are utilized properly. Also, it has all the must-have criteria for choosing the best languages for microservices like easy-to-monitor, independent development, and many more. Some of the top Python microservices frameworks are listed below -:

Flask - It is a widely sought-after framework that is based on Werkzeug and Jinja2.

Bottle - This WSGI micro framework is famous for being fast, simple, and lightweight.

Falcom - This framework is used extensively to create cloud APIs, smart proxies, and app back-ends.

CherryPy - This is another Python framework that has high demand due to its unique features like mature and object-oriented programming.

Nameko - This framework is mainly focused on application logic and is hence used by the developers to deploy the same.


Golang definitely ranks near the top of the list for microservices development, especially if you are going to work on an existing microservices project to enhance it further. Golang is also well-known for its extensive API support and excellent concurrency for microservices architecture. As it complies with the top-notch standards for web services development and complex microservices applications, developers opt for it for better productivity. Golang comes with top two main frameworks that are suitable for microservices development:

GoMicro - GoMicro is an RPC (Remote Procedure Call) framework that works well with various server packages, load balancing, message encoding, and others. It also provides complete support for testing and embedding.

Go Kit - Go Kit is another top Golang framework that operates by getting imported into a binary package. Some of its top advantages include domain-centric designing, explicit dependencies, and others.


.Net framework is highly popular for the development of microservices architecture. It offers robust support to develop various types of microservices by utilizing the Docker containers. .Net being easy to execute, cost-effective and efficient, is a good fit for developing microservices applications for diverse devices and platforms such as mobile, desktop, web, and others.

It is also useful in updating or modifying any microservices application. As the developers can easily mix the .Net microservices with diverse applications like Node JS, Java, and others, and can run them on the leading cloud platforms, it is often considered one of the best languages for microservices.

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With the popularity of microservices architecture coupled with the availability of a myriad of tools, frameworks, and languages, the task of choosing the best languages for microservices becomes hectic and tricky. The above guide will help you easily choose the best tools for microservices easily. All you need to do is keep in mind the exact set of requirements you have. Based on the application type, its functionalities, must-have features/solutions, and budget, you can pick up the best fit.

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