What Is Regression Testing? Explained With Test Cases, Tools, and Methods

Krunal Shah

Oct 18, 2022

7 min readLast Updated Jul 07, 2023

Regression testing

Testing is frequently disregarded or given less importance than development in the lifecycle of software development. However, a problematic program with many features can cost you money and a loss of user base, making it just as crucial as development. Therefore, it is essential to give testing as much importance as development.

Therefore, it is necessary to hire a software development organization that renders much importance to the testing process. This will ensure that the final software is of the highest quality and will render a better user experience to the end customers.

Regression testing

Out of all the testing processes, the QA team uses regression testing as one of those types to examine whether the software is operating as expected following each feature change or large upgrade. We'll go into great detail on regression testing in this blog, including its test cases, types, tools, and anything else you need to know. Let's start moving, then!

What Is Regression Testing?

Regression testing is a method of software testing used to make sure that current program or code modifications haven't negatively impacted already-existing functionalities. This software testing process is nothing more than a full or partial selection of previously run test cases that are run again to verify that features are still in place.

Regression testing

This testing is carried out to guarantee that any new code modifications have no negative consequences on the functionality already in place. It guarantees that when the most recent code changes are made, the older code still functions.

See More: Best practices for regression testing

Why QA Teams Must Implement Regression Testing?

Regression testing is required whenever the code is altered to determine whether the modified code will have an impact on other areas of the software application. Regression testing is also necessary when a new feature is included in the software program. When a performance or functional flaw is corrected, regression tests may also be run.

Test Cases: Looking at the Example of Regression Testing

Suppose a client asks a software development firm to develop a software application for video and image editing. Once they understand the requirements, they conduct regression testing on 1000 test cases to ensure that the app is running correctly. After being satisfied with the performance, the software development partner sends the app to the client.

Although the client is happy with the performance of the app, they wish to add some new features. After understanding the new requirements, the company adds a new feature but has to do regression testing again. Now the catch here is, regression testing will be done on the 100 new test cases of the added features along with the 1000 old cases to ensure that their functionality is not affected.

So, while regression testing is a concrete method of software quality assurance, it becomes a tedious process if you are regularly updating the apps.

Process of Regression Testing

It is necessary to first debug and find the codes to find the flaws before the software development company can perform the Regression Testing method. Regression testing is carried out by choosing pertinent test cases from the test suite that cover both changed and affected portions of the code after the necessary modifications are made to address the defects.

Regression testing

Enhancements, bug fixes, optimization, and deletion of current features are all part of software maintenance. The system might not function properly as a result of these adjustments. Regression testing is therefore required. The following methods can be used to perform regression testing:

1.  Retest All

All of the tests in the current test bucket or suite should be run again using this method for regression testing. Due to the significant time and money required, this is quite expensive.

2.  Regression Test Selection

Regression Test Selection is used to determine if the modified code affects the software application or not, test selection is a technique in which a subset of the test cases from the test suite is run. Reusable test cases, which can be used in additional regression cycles, and obsolete test cases, which cannot be used in subsequent cycles, are the two categories into which test cases fall.

3.   Prioritization of Test Cases

Prioritize the test cases based on the importance of the features and their impact on the business. The regression test suite will be significantly reduced if test cases are chosen based on priority.

See More: 5 Proven Strategies for MVP Testing: A Complete Guide

Advantages and Disadvantages of Regression Testing

After understanding the typical scenario of how regression testing works, it is time to see the advantages and disadvantages of regression testing.


·         Assures that any code modification has no negative effects on other functionalities.

·         Guarantees that problems that have been resolved don't come back.

·         Acts as a risk-reduction tactic while testing.

·         Simple to learn, comprehend and analyze

Regression testing


·         Regression testing can be time-consuming without automation.

·         Every time a piece of code is changed, it is essential to perform regression testing.

·         The agile sprint may be impacted by a very repetitive process.

·         It requires the team to write difficult test cases.

What are the Different Regression Testing Tools?

We have curated a list of the most impactful tools in both regression testing and functional testing in the software development process:

1.   Telerik Test Studio

Telerik Test Studio is an automated testing platform that supports functional UI, load, and RESTful API testing for online, desktop, and responsive apps.

Top Features:

·         End-to-end tests without code can be recorded visually

·         Support across browsers

·         Three times faster when testing with heads or without heads

2.   testRigor

It is easier to directly express tests as executable specs in plain English with the aid of testRigor. Users of all technical levels can create end-to-end tests that span the mobile, web, and API phases in a single test and can range in complexity. Instead of depending on implementation-specific features like XPaths or CSS Selectors, test steps are stated at the end-user level.

Top Features:

·         Free public version for all time

·         There are unlimited users and tests with English test cases.

·         How to learn automation Recorder for web steps the quickest

3.   Avo Assure

With just a few mouse clicks, you can test end-to-end business processes with the aid of Avo Assure, a no-code test automation solution. Regression testing is simplified and expedited as a result.

Top Features:

·         Create test cases automatically using a no-coding strategy.

·         With a single solution, test across the web, desktop, mobile, ERP applications, mainframes, related emulators, and more.

·         Enable testing for accessibility.

How to Develop an Impactful Regression Testing Process?

An entire regression testing process is a culmination of different test cases that ensure that no matter how many updates are there, the software testing process runs smoothly. Let us understand them in detail.

Focusing on the Test Cases

To create a solid regression test suite, it is necessary to prioritize the test cases. Giving test cases for the essential functionalities top priority would be beneficial. The back-end engine, an API, a database, etc. may be involved. The remainder of the application should be assigned priority two, and test cases pertaining to technical debt should receive priority three.

Develop Smoke Test

Always select a high-functioning quality assurance team that runs the high-priority test cases with a smoke test label either daily, every two weeks, or with every build. Naturally, it will render an option to automate these test cases.

Importance of Manual Testing

These are not the most sophisticated functions, but they are ones that users deal with daily. Therefore, not every test requires automated workflows. Instead, manual test cases will suffice to get you by in this situation.

Always Test the Integrations

Perform a set of regression tests that includes integrations for APIs, backend engine features, database connections, data feeds, etc. Verify the integrated process that an application requires as well. The consumer doesn't interact with these features, yet the app would need them, nonetheless. Therefore, this integration testing guarantees that all of the business logic is operational.

Take the overall performance into consideration

The software application's performance ought to increase or at the very least stay constant with each release. Therefore, always test your product's or app's performance before putting it on the market.

Difference Between Regression Testing and Re-testing

Many people believe that regression and retesting are the same, although both these terms have very different meanings.

Regression Testing


It is done to find out general defects

It is done to find our specific defects

There is a chance to automate the test cases

There is no chance to automate the test cases

It focuses both on successful and failed cases

It only focuses on the failed cases

The QA team can obtain test cases before beginning the process

QA team cannot have the test cases before beginning the testing process

It checks for the non-performing defects

I  Only checks the defects that were existent at the initial stage

Regression testing becomes essential if you want to create reliable, high-quality applications that encourage user loyalty. Moreover, there are some downsides to this method as it is time-consuming. Therefore, it becomes vital for business organizations to understand their requirements before selecting this method of quality assurance testing.

Regression testing

At Third Rock Techno, we have a team of experienced professionals that will analyze your business requirements before implementing the QA testing process. Our in-depth market analysis will also help in determining the number of test cases that are expected and how many updates the software application would need. Look at our previous work to understand our process in a better way.

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