Table of Contents

Top Reasons to use ReactJS for Enterprise app development

How to Hire a ReactJS Developer and How Much They Cost?

Supports hybrid app development

Easy Learning Curve

Virtual DOM

Reasons to choose ReactJS for Mobile App Development

Speedy enterprise development

High-end development requirements

Top 10 Famous Websites Built with React JS in 2021

Flexible framework

SEO-friendly framework

Enhances developers’ productivity

Data flow

Best suited in the long run

Need to hire a ReactJS development company


Build World-Class Reactjs App at Competitive Rates

10 Reasons To Use ReactJS For Enterprise App Development

Krunal Shah

Jun 23, 2021

9 min readLast Updated Dec 18, 2023

ReactJS for Enterprise app development

Ever since its inception, the proliferation of ReactJS in the app development realm has been immense. And one of the main reasons behind its popularity is the versatility of the framework. ReactJS development is used to create efficient and potent content on the go for both web and mobile app development.

ReactJS is preferred by enterprise owners as it is open-source and helps in building interactive UI for web, mobile apps. This is the reason why ReactJS development is one the most used framework by web developers.

In the modern-day business world, it has become almost inevitable to develop an enterprise app to increase overall productivity. Here ReactJS for enterprise application development comes to the rescue as it allows developers to tweak the source codes. A little modification in the source code helps in developing better-fit apps related to the project requirements.

As far as scripting and markup languages are concerned, JavaScript is the most preferred one. ReactJS along with being open source uses JavaScript for enterprise app development. Thus, it gives the framework an edge over its peers and results in better app development.

In this blog, we will discuss the top 10 reasons why ReactJS for Enterprise app development is a better choice. Moreover; we will also have a look at how ReactJS enhances the overall app development system.

Therefore without further ado, let us begin.

Top Reasons to use ReactJS for Enterprise app development

Reasons to use reactjs for enterprise app development

Since its inception in 2013, ReactJS has been a one-stop destination for experience-optimizing and dynamic web and app pages. Moreover, as the framework renders speedy solutions, it has already become the ‘eye candy’ of the developers.

Below are the top 10 reasons why you should opt for ReactJS for Enterprise app development.

How to Hire a ReactJS Developer and How Much They Cost?

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Supports hybrid app development

Reactjs hybrid app development

In order to cater to a larger number of audiences, companies need to develop cross-platform applications. Supporting hybrid app development is one of the high-flying benefits of using ReactJS.

It is not easy for developers to maintain both iOS and Android apps using different frameworks. Moreover, as the codes are written in different languages, app maintenance becomes a tedious task. With the help of the ReactJS framework, the developers can build the app using one common platform. It also enables consistent user experience and makes the overall development easier.

Thus, with the ReactJS framework, all you need is an expert JavaScript developer who has knowledge of Native UI and APIs. Moreover, since the cross-platform apps offer a consistent user experience, it enhances positive word-of-mouth publicity for the app as well.

Easy Learning Curve

ReactJS development does not have a steep learning curve as some of its peers. Here the developer just needs to have a basic knowledge about conventional JavaScript and you are good to go. Thus, ReactJS for Enterprise development becomes a feasible option as things are easy and transparent here.

The tools in ReactJS do not have multiple components that become tough for the developers to comprehend and understand. Therefore, developers have more chances to give better output as they understand the tools easily. In addition, ReactJS with its easy learning curve gives equal chances to the experts as well as the apprentice. Thus, upcoming ReactJS developers too can find their feet easily while using the framework.

Virtual DOM

Real and Virtual DOMs

For all the components present in the framework, ReactJS only uses a virtual DOM. With virtual DOM, React developers can make changes in enterprise applications and it will be done in the virtual DOM. Moreover, the framework also uses React-DOM a great deal to create all the required changes.

If the changes that are done in the virtual DOM are risk-free, then the React DOM will get updated. Thus, virtual DOM can be used for faster rendering of the enterprise applications and also to test the risk factors. The testing of the risk factors is vital before the final release of the enterprise application.

In a nutshell, the React developers do responsive web development by inspecting and assessing the utility of different available elements. By analyzing the different elements, the developers can make various memory data structures as well. These data structures can either be used by the developers or they can define them according to the requirement.

Along with the above-mentioned things, virtual DOM can also be used if you wish to develop a refined user interface.

Reasons to choose ReactJS for Mobile App Development

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Speedy enterprise development

The modern-day business world is all about speed with accuracy. Faster web and mobile application development can provide you a much-needed edge over your peers. Moreover, in the quest of obtaining speed, companies also do not want to cross their budget or deadlines.

Here enterprise app development gets a huge boost from the ReactJS framework. Whether it is executing a complicated process to increase the speed or use advanced techniques, ReactJS has got you covered. The developers can use the framework without any fear.

With ReactJS, the developers get a vast expanse of possibilities that assists them to develop faster. Moreover, it will not be an overstatement to say that ReactJS gives shapes to the quintessential iOS and Android codes. Without it, those are just line codes. Thus, ReactJS for enterprise app development is necessary to develop prolific web apps and mobile apps. But for this, you need to have an experienced web development company by your side.

High-end development requirements

high-end development requirements

ReactJS has a design kit that is more than capable of producing desired results for the companies. Thus ReactJS programming helps in developing finely detailed web and mobile applications. In addition, the framework has browser-specific tools that help in easy scaling of the hierarchy of the added components.

The efficiency of ReactJS for enterprise application development can be addressed from the fact that it has been used by industry leaders. For better understanding, we have listed prominent users of ReactJS:


The leading electric vehicle and clean energy company, Tesla has been using ReactJS for enterprise app development. The company renders a wide range of innovative tech solutions the world thus needs to have an advanced web and app development.

Thus, the company uses the ReactJS framework for advanced projects. The framework helps in streamlining the performance according to the enterprise’s objective.


The leading OTT (Overtop) platform in the world Netflix has also credited ReactJS programming for its success. Be it runtime performance or speed of execution, the ReactJS framework offers a stupendous service to turn the tide for Netflix.

In addition, the framework decreases the initial loading period as well and offers facilities like Gibbon.


The popular social media platform Instagram has also been made using the ReactJS framework. Be it the stories section, picture feed, and even the search bar, ReactJS has got all bases covered for Instagram.

Moreover, to optimize the overall user experience, ReactJS has additional tools such as video sharing and progressive loading.

Top 10 Famous Websites Built with React JS in 2021

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Flexible framework

Being flexible is one of the other top-rated benefits of ReactJS. Since the very beginning, the prime focus of the framework has been to simplify the app development process. So be it ReactJS for web or ReactJS for enterprise development, the hybrid development framework has given prominent results.

The code of ReactJS is very straightforward. Thus, it helps to maintain the flexibility of the enterprise application. The flexible nature of the framework saves the company time and the cost of app development.

In addition to complete flexibility, ReactJS app development also has varied libraries. This allows the developers to choose from a plethora of too and architecture for each development project. Businesses can customize the apps by choosing the relevant tools. Thus, ReactJS is widely used for custom app development along with enterprise app development.

Since the available tools fulfill the exact business requirements of the companies, ReactJS for enterprise development is highly preferred.

SEO-friendly framework

SEO-friendly framework

In the present digital world where the end-users have a plethora of options for everything, SEO becomes very crucial. Thus, if the app development framework is not SEO-friendly, you will face bigger issues in the long run. ReactJS helps in reducing the page loading time which plays an important role in the enterprise app rank.

In addition, the ReactJS framework performs exceedingly well on the server working with the node. Because of this, the enterprise application will get good SEO and a desirable ranking on the webpage. Thus, as compared to its peers, ReactJS for enterprise app development provides better SEO services.

Enhances developers’ productivity

Comprehending newer technologies is again one of the rich benefits of ReactJS. The framework has platform-specific tools which ease the pressure of doing frequent and monotonous updates. With tools like the Chrome development tool, observing component hierarchy becomes easier for the developers. Thus, now the developers can inspect the present state of props and components in a hassle-free manner.

Moreover, ReactJS has a code reusability feature that guarantees complete command over the workflow to the developer. Not only that, it warrants a unidirectional data merging process as well. This process makes its way directly to the flux design.

ReactJS development also enhances the productivity of the developers by breaking the chain of monotonous work as well.

Data flow

Reactjs data flow

After understanding the point of code reusability, our next point of focus is unidirectional data flow. One-way data flow is another benefit of ReactJS as it plays a pivotal role in streamlining the data. Besides this, the developers can also change the value with HTML flags; transfer the data, etc easily.

Since ReactJS works for complicated enterprise apps as well, it has to deal with a cluster of incomprehensible features. Thus for this, ReactJS development implements callback or rollback features which can fulfill the additional requirement as well.

With the unidirectional data flow, the data transfer from the parent component to the child component happens in a hassle-free manner. In the same way, updates from the child to the parent component are smooth as well.

Best suited in the long run

With the rapidly changing business environment, innovation has become a necessity rather than a luxury. Thus, ReactJS development is a competent business solution that benefits the companies in the long run.

ReactJS has become famous among developers as it renders ease of developing web and mobile applications for the ever-changing market. The framework has separate working protocols for the web apps as well. Thus, this gives ReactJS development an unmatched advantage over its peers.

Therefore, ReactJS for enterprise app development is best for the long run.

Along with the reliability, in the long run, the speed and agility of the ReactJS programming foster quick app development. Therefore, if you are looking for a quick launch, ReactJS development is perfect for you.

Need to hire a ReactJS development company

hire a react js development company

Businesses need to understand that like every app development framework, the ReactJS framework is not suitable for everything. Hiring a professional ReactJS development company will allow the businesses to understand their requirements. For instance, JavaScript is mostly preferred for simple applications. While on the other hand is an advanced tool. Thus, your project must have the following requirements for you to go for ReactJS development:

  • nimble navigation
  • diverse components or states
  • robust buttons and inputs
  • open and closed sections

If you have the above-mentioned requirements, then it becomes sensible to go for ReactJS development.


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There is no doubt about the fact that ReactJS is a very comprehensive technology. The app development framework solely focuses on achieving your business goals by building world-class web and mobile apps. The services provided by ReactJS programming can take you far ahead of your peers and make you the leader of the group.

In addition, the hybrid app development framework is a cost-effective solution as well. Thus, whether you are an established organization or a newbie, ReactJS is feasible for you. It offers a wide range of features and functionalities that makes enterprise app development robust and seamless.

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Krunal Shah

Krunal Shah is the CTO and Co-founder at Third Rock Techkno. With extensive experience gained over a decade, Krunal helps his clients build software solutions that stand out in the industry and are lighter on the pocket.

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