Top Angular 14 Features and Advantages You Must Know in 2024

Krunal Shah

Dec 23, 2022

9 min readLast Updated Dec 04, 2023

Angular, the popular TypeScript-based open-source web application framework, has continuously evolved to meet the demands of modern web development. The latest release introduces a host of enhancements that streamline Angular development, improve performance, and enhance the overall developer experience.

Based on the Statista Report, approximately 1.88 billion websites were utilized, with over 20.39% of them being constructed using Angular. The popularity and adoption of Angular 14 have been notably on the rise. Additionally, Angular boasts more than 32,000 stars on Github and exceeds 1 million npm downloads per month at the time of this composition. This blog delves into the top  Angular 14 features and advantages that you must know in 2024.

1. Standalone Components

Components can now exist independently of modules, simplifying component registration and reusability.

  • Simplify component registration and reusability.
  • Enhance code organization and maintainability.
  • Create components independently of modules.

Standalone components are a major new  Angular 14 feature that allows components to exist independently of modules. This can simplify component registration and reusability, as components no longer need to be registered with a module to be used.


Simplified Component Registration and Reusability: Standalone components eliminate the need to register components with modules, making it easier to create and share components across applications. This simplifies component registration and promotes code reusability.

Enhanced Code Organization and Maintainability: By separating components from modules, Angular 14 promotes a more organized and maintainable code structure. This separation of concerns makes it easier to understand and manage code, especially for large and complex applications.

Greater Flexibility in Component Creation: Standalone components  provide more flexibility in how components are created and used. Developers   can create components independently of modules, allowing them to package   and reuse components more easily.

2. Optional Injectors

Developers can now create components without explicitly providing an injector, streamlining dependency injection and reducing boilerplate code.

  • Streamline dependency injection and reduce boilerplate code.
  • Promote flexible dependency resolution.
  • Eliminate unnecessary overhead for components that don't require dependencies.

Angular 14 introduces optional injectors, which means that developers can now create components without explicitly providing an injector. Components can only receive dependencies if they are explicitly requested, which can streamline dependency injection and reduce boilerplate code.


Streamlined Dependency Injection: Optional injectors reduce boilerplate code and simplify dependency injection by eliminating the need for explicit injector providers for components that don't require dependencies. This makes dependency injection more efficient and manageable.

Flexible Dependency Resolution: Optional injectors promote flexible dependency resolution by only providing components with dependencies when they are explicitly requested. This allows for more granular control over dependency injection and enhances code testability.

Reduced Overhead for Components Without Dependencies:            Eliminating unnecessary dependency injection for components that don't require specific dependencies reduces overhead and improves overall application performance.

3. Stricter Template Type Checking

Type safety is now mandatory for all templates, helping to catch type errors early and improving code clarity.

  • Catch type mismatches early and prevent runtime errors.
  • Enhance code clarity and make it more self-documenting.
  • Improve overall developer experience with early-type error detection.

Enforces stricter template type checking, which means that type safety is now mandatory for all templates. This can help to catch type errors early in the development process and prevent them from causing issues later on.

Key Advantages

Early Detection of Type Mismatches: Stricter template type checking helps to catch type mismatches early in the development process, preventing runtime errors and improving code reliability. This proactive approach to type-checking saves time and reduces debugging efforts.

Enhanced Code Clarity and Self-Documenting Templates: Explicit type annotations in templates make code more self-documenting and easier to understand, improving code readability and maintainability. This enhances the overall quality and maintainability of Angular applications.

Improved Developer Experience with Early-Type Error Detection: Early-type error detection reduces debugging time and frustration, making the development process more enjoyable and productive. This feature improves the overall developer experience by providing timely feedback and preventing runtime issues.

4. Improved Build Performance

Compilation time has been reduced, and overall development efficiency has been improved.

  • Experience faster compilation times and improved workflow efficiency.
  • Spend less time waiting for builds to complete.
  • Benefit from optimized code generation techniques.

Significant build performance enhancements, reducing compilation time and improving overall development efficiency. This can save developers time and make it easier to work with larger projects.

Key Benefits

Faster Compilation Times: Significant performance enhancements in Angular 14 lead to faster compilation times, saving developers time and improving workflow efficiency. This reduced build time allows developers to iterate more quickly and focus more on creating value.

Enhanced Development Workflow: Reduced build times contribute to a more efficient and productive development workflow. Developers can spend less time waiting for builds to complete and more time writing code, testing features, and refining their applications.

Optimized Code Generation Techniques: Advanced code generation techniques employed in Angular 14 further streamline the build process and contribute to overall performance improvements. This optimization ensures that code is generated efficiently and that builds are completed as quickly as possible.

5. Component Dev Kit Primitives

New primitives have been added to the Component Dev Kit (CDK), making it easier to create accessible custom components.

  • Enhance accessibility with primitives like cdkTextareaAutosize and cdkTableLayout.
  • Streamline component development with reusable building blocks.
  • Create sophisticated and user-friendly components with advanced primitives.

Angular 14 features also add new primitives to the Component Dev Kit (CDK), which is a collection of tools and libraries that can be used to create custom components. These new primitives can make it easier to create accessible custom components.


Enhanced Accessibility with Pre-built Primitives: New CDK primitives like cdkTextareaAutosize and cdkTableLayout simplify the creation of accessible custom components. These pre-built primitives provide ready-to-use solutions for common accessibility concerns, making it easier to create inclusive and accessible Angular applications.

Streamlined Component Development with Reusable Building Blocks: CDK primitives act as reusable building blocks for common UI elements, streamlining component development and reducing boilerplate code. This reuse of components promotes consistency and efficiency in Angular applications.

Enhanced Component Functionality with Advanced Primitives: CDK primitives offer advanced features and capabilities for creating sophisticated and user-friendly components. These primitives provide developers with the tools they need to build high-quality components that enhance the user experience.

6. Online Angular DevTools

The Angular DevTools debugging extension can now be used in offline mode, and it is also available for Firefox.

  • Debug and inspect Angular applications even without an internet connection.
  • Access Angular DevTools from Firefox in addition to Chrome.
  • Enjoy enhanced debugging experience with offline support and cross-browser compatibility.

One of the important Angular 14 features is that now, developers can work offline or who have a slow internet connection with Angular DevTools extensions.

Angular DevTools is a valuable tool for any Angular developer. It can help you to identify and fix bugs, optimize your performance applications, and gain a deeper understanding of how Angular works.


Offline Debugging and Inspection: Angular DevTools can now be used offline, enabling developers to debug and inspect their Angular applications even without an internet connection. This offline support is particularly useful for developers working in environments with limited or no internet connectivity.

Cross-browser Compatibility with Firefox Support: Angular DevTools is now available for Firefox, providing developers with more flexibility in their choice of web development tools. This cross-browser compatibility ensures that developers can use Angular DevTools regardless of their preferred browser.

Enhanced Debugging Experience with Offline Support and Cross-browser Compatibility: The combination of offline support and cross-browser compatibility extends the utility of Angular DevTools, making it a more versatile debugging tool for Angular developers. This enhanced debugging experience simplifies troubleshooting and improves overall development efficiency.

Angular 14 development

7. Angular CLI Auto-Completion

The Angular  CLI now provides auto-completion for commands, making it easier to type and remember commands.

  • Minimize typos and command syntax errors with auto-completion suggestions.
  • Increase development efficiency with faster command entry.
  • Explore and learn new Angular CLI commands with auto-completion prompts.

This will prompt you to enable auto-completion the next time you run the Angular CLI. You can also enable auto-completion by adding the following line to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file:

Key Advantages

Reduced Command Errors and Improved Accuracy: Auto-completion suggestions minimize typos and command syntax errors, improving command execution accuracy and reducing the likelihood of errors. This feature streamlines command usage and reduces debugging time.

Faster Command Entry and Increased Efficiency: Auto-completion saves time by suggesting commands as the user types, increasing development efficiency and reducing the need to manually type out long commands. This feature enhances productivity and allows developers.

8. Streamlined Page Title Accessibility

Angular 14 makes it easier to set and update page titles, improving accessibility for users with screen readers.

  • Provide better context for users with screen readers.
  • Simplify page title management with the Router Link directive.
  • Enhance SEO optimization with clear and informative page titles.

Key Benefits

Improved Screen Reader Accessibility: Clear and descriptive page titles provide better context for users with screen readers, enhancing the overall user experience. This makes it easier for visually impaired users to understand the content of the page.

Simplified Page Title Management: Setting and updating page titles becomes easier using the Router Link directive, streamlining page metadata management. This simplifies the process of defining and maintaining page titles, making it easier for developers to ensure that page titles are accurate and consistent.

Enhanced SEO Optimization: Clear and informative page titles can improve search engine optimization (SEO), making websites more discoverable by search engines. This can lead to increased traffic and a wider audience for Angular applications.

Your Gateway to Enhanced Angular 14 Web Development

Angular 14 features represent a significant step forward in Angular development, introducing features that enhance productivity, improve performance, and elevate the developer experience. Its simplified development approach, enhanced performance optimizations, and commitment to developer experience make it an ideal choice for creating modern, scalable, and engaging web applications. Developers should consider adopting Angular 14 features to take advantage of its numerous benefits and stay ahead of the curve in web development. With its continuous evolution and commitment to innovation, Angular is poised to remain a leading framework for building high-quality web applications for years to come.

Angular 14 development

To develop an Angular 14-based application, you can choose from Third Rock Techkno’s wide range of product development solutions. Take a look at our portfolio and contact us to start today.


1. What is Angular 14, and why is it significant in 2024?

Angular 14 is the latest version of the TypeScript-based web application framework. It introduces several enhancements for streamlined development and improved performance. In 2024, its significance lies in meeting the demands of modern web development.

2. How popular is Angular 14 in terms of usage?

According to the Statista Report, approximately 20.39% of the 1.88 billion websites are constructed using Angular. Additionally, Angular 14 has witnessed a rise in popularity, with over 32,000 stars on Github and more than 1 million npm downloads per month.

3. What are the key features introduced in Angular 14?

Angular 14 comes with several updated features, including standalone components, optional injectors, stricter template type checking, improved build performance, Component Dev Kit primitives, online Angular DevTools, Angular CLI auto-completion, and streamlined page title accessibility.

4. How do standalone components enhance Angular development?

Standalone components allow components to exist independently of modules, simplifying registration and enhancing reusability. This promotes better code organization, maintainability, and the creation of components without module dependencies.

5. What are optional injectors, and how do they benefit developers?

Optional injectors in Angular 14 enable developers to create components without explicitly providing an injector. This streamlines dependency injection reduces boilerplate code, and promotes flexible dependency resolution.

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