Table of Contents

What is a Technology Stack?

Technology stack can be divided into two major parts:

How To Choose A Technology Stack For Web Application Development

List of top digital marketplaces and their tech stack

Things to keep in mind while choosing the technical stack

The level of security

Magnitude of your project

Size of your team

Understanding the financial resources

Big Mistakes to Avoid when Choosing the Technology Stack for your Web Application

AngularJS to make your technical marketplace stand out

WordPress for better content management system

Mailchimp for better email solutions

With Symphony, the coders are never alone

PayPal/Stripe for better financial transactions


Reduce your App development costs

What Is the Best Technology Stack to Use for Building a Marketplace Website?

Krunal Shah

Mar 19, 2021

10 min readLast Updated Jan 23, 2023

Technology stack for marketplace website

Let’s hit the nail on the coffin first up! If you wish to make a difference in this highly-competitive business world, you need to have the right technology stack with you. Period! The reason for it is very simple. Technology stacks for web development will help you keep pace with the state-of-the-art trends. Also, it will allow you to include innovative features to provide the best service to your customers.

Picking the right tech stack is and will be a vital cog in developing successful digital software. You may ask why? See, in the modern world, creating a software product has become much more than just having a nice UI and UX. With the ever increasing competitiveness, it is essential to have secure, stable and easy to use software product. Moreover, from a business point of view, it is important to be in the ‘good books’ of your customer’ and having the right tech stack will provide you that.

According to Gartner, the global IT spending will grow at 4% in 2021. This means that the total IT spending will reach a whopping $3.8 trillion in 2021.  Thus, to ride this bandwagon, your product must have the right technology stack, otherwise you will be left behind.

In this article, we will share the tips to choose the right tech stack for your software project. But before that let us have a sneak-peek into the nuances and understand the importance of technology stack.

Table of Content

What is a Technology Stack?

Technology Stack

In simple words, a technology stack is an amalgamation of programming language and software tools. The main purpose of this combination is to bring life to mobile and website applications. It is also known as a data ecosystem and consists of a list of technologies aimed at building a specific application.

A good tech stack can be a boon for app and website developers as it makes the communication process easy. Because of this, they can share a plethora of information related to development of an application in a hassle-free manner.

Technology stack can be divided into two major parts:

Client-side technology stack: It is the visual part of the website that the user interacts with. It has HTML and CSS to display the content of the web page. In addition, it has JavaScript for better user interaction.

Server-side technology stack: It consists of a programming language and a database. The primary purpose of the programming language is to develop the logic of the web application or the website. Moreover, the basic function of the database is to store data in an orderly fashion.

It is the visual part of the website that interacts with the users.

How To Choose A Technology Stack For Web Application Development

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List of top digital marketplaces and their tech stack

A proper tech stack is one of the prime reasons why some technology marketplaces reach the zenith of their genre. Here is the list of some of the leading digital marketplaces and their technology stack.

  • Leading ecommerce platform works on C++, Angular.JS and Java
  • Airbnb uses React.js for the front end and Ruby on rails for their backend work
  • Fiverr implements React.js and Ruby on Rails as its technology stacks
  • Leading taxi-on-demand platform Uber Go, Python, and Java that with Fusion.Js
  • Etsy has its faith on Backbone.js and PHP

Things to keep in mind while choosing the technical stack

Technical Stack

As a business organization, you must be aware of technologies you will be dealing with while building a technical marketplace. Because, there are some universal things that you should not ignore while choosing a technology stack. We have listed a few important factors that will help you choose the best fit for your online marketplace.

The level of security

Cybercrimes are on the rise and it can cause major hindrance to the development of your project. According to reports done by Statista, the spending in the cyber security industry reached $ 42 billion in 2020.

Global Cybersecurity Market Forecast 2017 to 2023

Therefore, companies must ensure top-class data security and choose a tech stack that safe-guards the important information. The chosen tech must be able to minimize the vulnerabilities and unwanted threats.

Moreover, companies should understand that the security does not depend solely on the technology stack. If your recruited app developers are not skilled enough, even the best of technical stack is of no use. The developers must be proficient enough to use the right encryption models for the right technologies.

Magnitude of your project

It is a no brainer that the size of your project will play a vital role in the final selection of your tech stack. For example, if you are looking to develop a basic website in a short span of time, you would require basic technologies like CMS or WordPress. But, if your aim is to go big on the online marketplace, you should opt for high-end programming languages.

But the question here arises, how will you define the size of your project? For this, you just need to identify the features that will be integrated in the technology marketplace. After this, check with your team and finalize the best technology stack for web development. Make sure that the selected tech stack is in coherence with your idea.

Size of your team

size of your team

The size of your team will eventually define what kind of tech stack you can go for. If you have a team where the majority of the developers are proficient in one kind of tech stack, you need to be on the same page with them. For instance, there are certain software or programming languages that are very famous among the developers. So they have a bigger developer community and it is easy to find them.

On the other hand, for some web application technology stack, you need to have a team of experts. Because, if you don’t work with the experts; it will not be beneficial for your software product.

Understanding the financial resources

financial resources

The process of creating an online marketplace doesn’t stop just by creating it once. Maintaining a website requires hefty financial resources, thus the company should be aware of their purse. Moreover, if you opt for a complex technology stack, it will add an extra burden to your project.

You can divide all your expenses in two distinct categories:

Maintenance of the site: You need to ensure that the site is up and running by maintaining it well. In order to reduce the cost, use open-source technologies. Technologies like Multi-Vendor and Sellacious are free to use.

Developer’s Payment: It’s pretty straightforward. If you hire skilled and experienced website developers, they are bound to cost more.

Big Mistakes to Avoid when Choosing the Technology Stack for your Web Application

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Now, it is time to see the leading technology stacks that can do wonders for your technical marketplace.

AngularJS to make your technical marketplace stand out

Angularjs for marketplace

Companies need to understand one distinct bifurcation between back-end and front-end development. Front-end is where you can strike the right chord for your technical marketplace. Whereas, the primary aim of back-end is to build trust with your customers.

By using AngularJs, you can easily make your marketplace stand out among your peers. As AngularJS is maintained by Google, it has a larger developer’s community. This community can come in handy if you are stuck in a major roadblock.

The UI in AngularJS prefers HTML as it is an easier language as compared to Java. Moreover, this web development stack allows the developers to use filters to change the appearance of the marketplace. Also, the developers don’t have to do extensive re-coding as AngularJS supports fast iteration.

Therefore, if you wish to build a scalable technical marketplace like Netflix, YouTube, etc., AngularJS should be your technology stack.

WordPress for better content management system

Wordpress for content management system

You have to understand a universal law in order to stay afloat in the modern-day market. Unless your technical marketplace renders everything in a perfect proportion, it won’t catch the eye of the users. Therefore, apart from having a strong front-end and back-end feature, you need to give something extra to the sellers.

They must have a way to add images and descriptions of their products and WordPress is perfect platform for it. WordPress is SEO-friendly, an excellent blogging platform that can provide you some exceptional perks for your technical marketplace. This technology stack for web development has more than 50000 plug-ins. The plug-ins help the vendors in better engagement as they can optimize the product’s description.

Along with rendering a seamless platform for the buyers and sellers, WordPress is also known to render top-notch user experience. Thus, if you are looking to generate better leads as compared to your peers, WordPress is your tech stack.

Mailchimp for better email solutions

Mailchimp for email solutions

Transactional marketing emails have their own perks. Along with notifying your clients, it is also useful to alert customers for completed actions. Marketing emails help vendors to reach out to their potential customers, give them information about new product offerings, etc.

Since it has multiple usage, having a designed template for automated mails becomes a challenging aspect for businesses. To overcome this obstacle, Mailchimp can be your go-to web development stack.

It is a popular email solution as it has hundreds of pre-designed templates, that are available and ready to use. These templates assist in cutting down the development time so that the vendors can focus on sales. As the vendors can focus on sales, they can expand their user base with this technology stack for web development.

Mailchimp works seamlessly with both Symphony and Mandrill. Thus it provides an extra cushion to the vendors as they can control what the customers see on and off their platform. In the modern-day business world, the ability to shape perception as a great power to have.

Therefore, if you are looking to render more personalized services to your customers, Mailchimp is your technology stack.

With Symphony, the coders are never alone

symphony backend frameworks

Back-end frameworks are very crucial. It allows the programmers to focus on details which will eventually be vital in making your marketplace a standout. Symphony, a PHP-framework is the perfect web development stack to achieve this goal.

The biggest perk of opting for Symphony is that it has a larger coder’s community. Therefore, if the coders face any problem during the development process, they can seek help from the community. Moreover, this technology stack is flexible. Thus the coders can make necessary changes according to the needs of sellers and buyers.

Symphony has best coding practices and the coders find it very easy to work with. In addition, this technology stack is very practical which allows the coders to develop sites easily.

If you are looking for a web development stack that allows multiple testing of sites, Symphony is the best fit. Through multiple testing, you can find which is the best site version for your clients. Thus, it is highly preferred for agile development in a lean start-up framework.

PayPal/Stripe for better financial transactions

paypal and stripe for better financial transactions

Statistically speaking, if you don’t have a proper payment gateway, 3/4th of your customer will abandon their shopping carts. Thus, to ensure that your technical marketplace is immersive, you must have a platform to get the payment transactions right.

A secured financial transaction platform will help you build trust among your customers. Here, PayPal Marketplace and Stripe Connect can be the apt technology stack you are looking for. These tech stacks have a sole aim: to ensure secured and user-friendly financial transactions.

A secured financial transaction platform can be vital in enhancing the brand value of your technical marketplace. Moreover, apart from being user-friendly, Stripe and PayPal are developer friendly platforms as well. They are easy to integrate and have amazing anti-fraud protections as well.

Therefore, if you are looking for a customized payment gateway development platform, look no further than PayPal/Stripe.


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To put everything into perspective, companies should understand that the web development ecosystem is very complicated. Thus, despite being a daunting task, choosing the right technology stack for your technical marketplace is important.

There are a plethora of tech stacks available in the market. But, the business organization must know its requirements before selecting web application technology stack. Thus, you should consult an experienced app development firm before zeroing down on your tech stack. Because, the right selection can revolutionize your business and make you the champion of your genre.

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