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Top E-learning Platform Requirements in 2024

Krunal Shah

Aug 08, 2022

9 min readLast Updated Jun 04, 2024

The demand for e-learning platforms has risen significantly over the past decade. And with the e-learning market becoming more lucrative than ever, businesses in this field are getting more inclined than ever to build e-learning platforms.

As stated in a recent market report, the global e-learning market, according to research done by globe newswire the LMS market was sitting at US$316.2 in 2023 billion and is set to reach US $661.6 billion in 2032. No wonder the e-learning entities are getting inclined toward dedicated e-learning apps/websites.

To develop a quality e-learning platform that aligns with your overall business goals, you must ensure that all the key e-learning requirements are fulfilled through the e-learning app you are going to develop. This includes understanding and budgeting for elearning development costs.

Remember, the present e-learning market has high growth scope, but at the same time it is quite crowded. Furthermore, the top e-learning platforms like Google Classroom, Remind, Duolingo, and Udemy, to name a few, are taking the major market share making it even tougher for the new entrants creating major digital transformation in the edtech sector.

However, by accommodating the proper e-learning platform requirements, you can sustain in the present market and reach your targets easily. Let's understand those requirements that can guide business owners in building a fully functional app.

The popularity of elearning

Functional Requirements to Build an eLearning Platform

As more and more organizations adopt digital training strategies, Learning Management Systems (LMS) have become an essential tool for managing e-learning activities. An LMS is a software application that provides a platform for creating, delivering, and managing digital courses and training programs.

However, choosing the right LMS for your organization can be a daunting task, especially when you don't know the essential requirements to look for. In this section, we will explore the functional requirements that you should consider when building an e-learning platform using an LMS. So, let’s guide you through the top LMS features checklist!

E-Learning Platform Features

1. User Management and Authentication

One of the essential requirements for any LMS is user management and authentication. This functionality ensures that only authorized users can access the LMS platform. The LMS should allow for easy creation and management of user accounts, password policies, and authentication protocols. Additionally, the LMS should support different user roles, such as learners, instructors, administrators, and managers.

2. Reporting and Analytics

This ranks near the top in a learning management system requirements checklist. An LMS should provide robust reporting and analytics tools to help you track the progress of your learners and evaluate the effectiveness of your training programs. The LMS should allow you to generate reports on learner performance, course completion rates, and other metrics that can help you assess the impact of your training programs.

3. Integrations and Interoperability

Another critical requirement for any LMS is interoperability with other systems. An LMS should be able to integrate with other software applications, such as Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools, and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. This functionality allows for seamless data exchange and ensures that all systems work together efficiently.

4. Accessibility and Usability

An LMS should be accessible to all learners, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities. The platform should comply with accessibility standards, such as Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to ensure that learners with disabilities can access the content. Additionally, the LMS should be easy to use and navigate, even for learners with limited technical skills.

5. Security and Privacy

An LMS should provide robust security measures to protect your organization's sensitive data and ensure the privacy of your learners. The platform should support secure user authentication, data encryption, and access control. Additionally, the LMS should comply with data protection regulations, such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

6. User and Course Management

This is one of the top LMS requirements. An LMS should allow for easy management of user accounts and course content. The platform should allow you to create and manage courses, add multimedia content, and set up course completion criteria. Additionally, the LMS should provide tools for managing learner enrollment, tracking progress, and managing user roles and permissions.

7. Learning Models

A quality LMS should support different learning models, such as blended learning, self-paced learning, and instructor-led training. The platform should allow you to create and manage different types of learning content, such as videos, quizzes, and simulations. Additionally, the LMS should provide tools for tracking learner progress and providing feedback.

8. Communication

Communication tools are crucial in an LMS to facilitate collaboration between learners, instructors, and administrators. The platform should support different types of communication channels, such as discussion forums, chat rooms, and email. Additionally, the LMS should provide tools for sending notifications and alerts to learners and instructors.

9. Content Management

An LMS should provide robust content management tools to help you create, organize, and manage course content. The platform should allow you to upload and manage different types of multimedia content, such as videos, audio, and documents. Also, the LMS should provide tools for organizing course content into modules and lessons, creating assessments, and managing course completion criteria.

10. Integration with Other Systems

The LMS should be able to integrate with other systems, such as a student information system, human resources system, or an enterprise resource planning system. The integration should be seamless and allow for data exchange between systems. Also, the LMS should provide an open API, which allows for easy integration with other applications and systems.

11. Assessments

Assessment is an essential component of any e-learning platform. The LMS should provide users with the ability to create and administer assessments, including quizzes, tests, and exams. It should also provide features such as automated grading, feedback, and reporting, making it easy for instructors to track student progress.

See More:  Top Elearning Mobile Apps With Essential Features in 2024

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What are the Technical Requirements for an eLearning Platform?

Developing an e-learning platform requires a thorough understanding of the technical requirements necessary to make it successful. And now, we will explore the technical requirements for an e-learning platform. So, let’s walk you through the LMS requirements checklist.

1. Hosting Options: Cloud-Based vs. On-Premises

One of the first decisions you will need to make when developing an e-learning platform is whether to host it in the cloud or on-premises. Also, it is one of the basic learning management system requirements. Cloud-based hosting offers several benefits, including scalability and accessibility from anywhere in the world. Cloud-based hosting also eliminates the need for expensive hardware and software infrastructure.

On-premises hosting requires hardware and software infrastructure to be installed and maintained on-site. This option may be suitable for organizations that have strict data security policies or need to comply with regulatory requirements. However, it can be costly and may require a dedicated IT team to manage.

2. System Compatibility

Your e-learning platform should be compatible with a variety of devices and operating systems, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. The platform should also be compatible with different web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Compatibility issues can create a poor user experience and may cause users to abandon the platform and hence it’s one of the most significant LMS system requirements.

3. Scalability and Performance

Scalability and performance is one of the key LMS requirements. As your e-learning platform grows, it must be able to handle the increased traffic and user demand. Scalability is an essential requirement for any e-learning platform. It is important to choose a hosting option that can handle a high volume of traffic without slowing down or crashing. Performance issues can cause frustration for users and result in lower engagement and completion rates.

4. App Development

A mobile app can provide a more seamless and user-friendly experience for your e-learning platform users. App development requires specific technical requirements, such as the ability to integrate with the platform's backend and database. You may also need to consider app-specific features, such as offline access and push notifications.

5. Security Measures

Security is a critical requirement for any e-learning platform. Your platform must comply with industry-specific regulations and be designed with security in mind. It is essential to have measures in place to protect user data, including passwords, personal information, and payment details. Your platform should also have measures in place to prevent unauthorized access and protect against data breaches.

6. Responsive Design

Responsive design is another essential requirement for e-learning platforms. Responsive design ensures that your platform is optimized for different screen sizes and devices. This is especially important for mobile devices, which are increasingly used for e-learning. Responsive design can improve user engagement and completion rates by providing a seamless user experience across different devices.

10. Testing and QA

Thorough testing and quality assurance (QA) are critical to ensuring that your e-learning platform works correctly and provides an excellent user experience. Testing should cover a variety of scenarios, including different user types, devices, and browsers. It is important to test your platform thoroughly before launching to ensure that there are no bugs or issues that could impact the user experience.

11. Real-Time Updates

The ability to make real-time updates is an essential requirement for any e-learning platform. This allows you to quickly fix any bugs or issues that arise and provide users with the latest information and updates. Your platform should be designed with the ability to push updates quickly and efficiently, without causing downtime or disruption to users.

12. Payment Integration System

If your e-learning platform offers paid courses or training programs, you will need a payment integration system. This system should be secure and user-friendly, allowing users to easily make payments and access their course materials. The payment integration system should also be compatible with different payment methods, including credit cards, PayPal, and other popular payment gateways.

See More: What Are The Most Essential EdTech Tools?

How TRT Can Help You Build Your eLearning App?

We, at Third Rock Techkno, offer a dedicated solution for elearning app development that not only accommodates your every business requirement but also ensures additional competitive advantages to excel in the current market.

Our team works closely to understand the customer’s unique requirements and develop a solution that meets their specific needs. This tailored approach ensures that the final product is customized to the specifications, resulting in a high-quality app that meets their business objectives.

The e-learning apps developed by Third Rock Techkno are designed to be scalable and adaptable to changing market conditions. The team ensures that the app can be easily updated and upgraded as new features and functionality become available. This ensures that the app remains relevant and meets the needs of learners in a constantly evolving e-learning landscape.

Furthermore, security is a top priority for Third Rock Techkno when developing e-learning apps. We employ a range of security measures to ensure that the app and user data are protected from unauthorized access and breaches. This includes using secure hosting services, implementing encryption protocols, and regularly updating the app to address any security vulnerabilities.

Want to discuss your elearning platform development requirements? Check out our portfolio and contact us to get started.


  1. What are the essential requirements for an e-learning platform?

    The essential requirements for an e-learning platform include a user-friendly interface, robust content managements system, interactive feature like quizzes and forums, scalability to accommodate growing user numbers, secure user authentication and data privacy measure.

  2. How do I choose the right technology stack for an e-learning platform?

    Choosing the right technology stack spends on your specific needs, budgets, and scalability requirements. Typically, a combination of front-end technologies (like React or Angular), back-end technolgoes (like Node.js or Django), and database (like MySQl or mongoDB) are used. It's important to consider factors like performance, security, and ease of integration with other tools when selecting your tech stack.

  3. What features should an e-learning platform have?

    An e-learning platform should include feature such as user registration and profile, course creation and management, multimedia content support, interactive quizzes and assessments, discussion forum, live video session, progress tracking, certificates of completion, and mobile compatibility.

  4. How can I ensure the security of my e-learning platform?

    To ensure the security of your e-learning platform, implement strong user authentication methods, use SSL encryption for data transmission, regularly update and patch your software, and conduct security audits. Additinally, protech user data by following data privacy regulations like GDPR or CCPA, and educate your user on best security practices.

  5. What are the key steps in developing an e-learning platform?

    Developing an e-learning platform involves several key steps

    1. Understanding Requirements:- Gather detailed requirement from stakeholders.

    2. Creating Scope of  Work:- Define the functionalities and technology stack.

    3. Project Planning:- Plan the architecture, set milestones, and identify risks.

    4. Designing:- Create wireframes, mockups, and prototypes for the UI/UX

    5. Development:- Build the database and codebase, following agile methodologies.

    6. Testing:- Integrate and test the platform thoroughly to fix bugs.

    7. Launch and Support:- Deploy the platform, provide training and offer post-launch support and maintenance.

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