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FlutterFlow vs Flutter: What's the Difference in 2024?

Madhav Gajjar

Apr 02, 2024

8 min readLast Updated Apr 02, 2024

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Mobile app development has become an important aspect of business strategy and user engagement. As the demand for mobile applications continues to grow, Business owners are constantly seeking efficient tools and frameworks to create high-quality apps quickly and effectively. This search for the ideal development tool has led to the rise of two prominent options in the realm of cross-platform development: Flutter and FlutterFlow.

Flutter, an open-source UI toolkit developed by Google, has been making waves in the mobile app development industry with its ability to build natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

On the other hand, FlutterFlow has emerged as a powerful low-code, visual app builder that leverages the power of Flutter to enable rapid development of mobile and web applications.

Our Co-Founder Yashesh Chauhan also added:-

“As a founder, I understand the importance of choosing the right tools for mobile app development. Flutter has been a game-changer for many developers, including my team, by enabling us to create beautiful, high-performance apps with a single codebase. On the other hand, FlutterFlow is appealing to startups and businesses looking to quickly prototype and deploy apps.”

The purpose of this blog is to provide a comprehensive comparison between Flutter and FlutterFlow, highlighting their unique features, advantages, and potential downsides. By the end of this blog, you will have a clear understanding of the differences between these two tools and be better equipped to choose the right one for your development needs.

What is Flutter?

What is Flutter? image

Flutter is an open-source UI toolkit developed by Google for creating natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop platforms from a single codebase. It provides a modern, reactive framework that allows developers to build visually appealing and highly performant applications with ease. Flutter uses the Dart programming language, which is optimized for fast, smooth app development.

Let's explore the advantages of using Flutter for app development.

Advantages of Flutter

Advantages of Flutter image
  • Cross-Platform Development: One of the most significant advantages of Flutter is its ability to support cross-platform development. Developers can write a single codebase and deploy it on multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and the web. This not only saves time and resources but also ensures consistency in the app's look and feel across different devices.

  • High Performance: Flutter applications are known for their high performance. The framework is designed to achieve a constant 60 frames per second (fps) performance, providing smooth and responsive user experiences. The use of Dart and the way Flutter compiles to native code contribute to this efficiency.

  • Rich Customization and Flexibility: Flutter offers a wide range of customizable widgets and a flexible layout system, allowing developers to create unique and visually stunning interfaces. Whether it's a simple app or a complex application with intricate designs, Flutter provides the tools needed to bring creative visions to life.

  • Hot Reload: Flutter's hot reload feature significantly speeds up the development process. It allows developers to see the changes made in the code almost instantly, without losing the current state of the app. This feature is particularly useful for tweaking UI elements and experimenting with different designs.

On the other side, there are a few disadvantages as well. let's take a look on potential downsides.

Potential Downsides of Flutter

Potential Downside of Flutter image
  • Requires Coding Knowledge: While Flutter is an accessible framework, it does require a solid understanding of the Dart programming language. Developers new to Dart may face a learning curve, although the language is relatively easy to pick up for those with experience in other programming languages.

  • Steeper Learning Curve Compared to FlutterFlow: For developers who are new to mobile app development or prefer a visual approach, Flutter may present a steeper learning curve compared to FlutterFlow. The latter provides a low-code, drag-and-drop interface that simplifies the development process, making it more approachable for beginners or those looking to quickly prototype their ideas.

What is FlutterFlow?

What is Flutter Flow image

FlutterFlow is a visual app builder that adopts a low-code approach, empowering developers and non-developers alike to create mobile and web applications with ease. Unlike traditional coding methods, FlutterFlow offers a drag-and-drop interface, making app development more accessible and significantly reducing the time required to bring an app from concept to completion.

Now that we've covered the basics let's dive into some of the key benefits of using FlutterFlow.

Advantages of FlutterFlow

Advantages of FlutterFlow image

  • Drag-and-Drop Interface: FlutterFlow's intuitive interface allows users to visually construct their app's UI, making it an ideal tool for beginners or those looking to prototype quickly.

  • Faster Development Speed: By providing a library of pre-built widgets and functionalities, FlutterFlow accelerates the development process, enabling rapid prototyping and faster deployment of apps.

  • Accessibility: With its low-code approach, FlutterFlow lowers the barrier to entry for app development, allowing individuals without extensive coding knowledge to create functional applications.

  • Integration and Extensibility: FlutterFlow supports integration with various third-party services and APIs, enhancing the functionality of the apps created. Additionally, it offers the ability to extend applications with custom code when necessary.

As every coin has two sides, there are a few downsides as well. Let's take a look at potential downsides as well.

Potential Downsides of FlutterFlow

Downside of FlutterFlow

  • Limited Customization: While FlutterFlow simplifies the development process, it may not provide the same level of customization and granular control as coding directly in Flutter. Users are restricted to the design elements and functionalities available within the platform.

  • Reliance on Pre-Built Components: FlutterFlow's ease of use comes at the cost of flexibility, as users must rely on the pre-built components provided by the platform, which may not cover all use cases.

  • Potential Vendor Lock-In: Using a platform like FlutterFlow can lead to vendor lock-in, where the future development and scalability of an app are tied to the capabilities and limitations of the platform.

Flutter vs FlutterFlow Comparison

When choosing between Flutter and FlutterFlow for your mobile app development project, it's important to compare their key features and capabilities. Here's a table summarizing the main differences:

Comparison of Flutter and FlutterFlow image

Real-World Scenarios

Real-world Scenarios image

Practical Applications of Flutter and FlutterFlow in the Tech World

Top Apps Built with FlutterFlow

There are many applications built with flutter but here are our top picks.

  1. Klaster Me: Klaster Me is a social media platform where users can create their own page and post content like images, blogs, essays, surveys, and entries. This Flutter-based application allows users to share their creations publicly, fostering a community of content creators. Klaster Me’s design is user-friendly and focuses on content from its users, simplifying the content posting process and ensuring an engaging user interface

  2. Reflectly: Reflectly is an AI-powered personal journal app that integrates cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation, and positive psychology. It helps users manage daily stress, navigate negative thoughts, and maintain positivity. The app, built with Flutter, offers a platform for users to track their emotional well-being, providing insights and advice from mental health experts to support users in managing mental health challenges.

  3. Xianyu by Alibaba: Alibaba’s Xianyu is a second-hand goods platform with over 200 million registered users, showcasing Flutter's scalability and robustness. The platform is a testament to Flutter's capability to support apps with a vast user base, offering a reliable and efficient framework for large-scale applications.

Top Apps Built with FlutterFlow

When it comes to rapid app development flutter flow comes at top here are our top picks.

  1. AB. month: This educational app, created with FlutterFlow, quickly reached the top of the app store charts in Eastern Europe. The switch to FlutterFlow allowed the agency behind AB. month to efficiently deploy a high-quality educational application, highlighting FlutterFlow's capacity for rapid development and deployment in the educational sector.

  2. Atlas: Atlas, developed by Y Combinator founders, is a credit card app offering high approval rates. The transition to FlutterFlow enabled the team to launch a rewards credit card program with significantly higher approval rates than traditional cards, showcasing FlutterFlow's effectiveness in financial application development.
  3. Tagalong Pro: This app offers personalized fitness coaching with Olympic athletes and is built using FlutterFlow. Tagalong Pro exemplifies how FlutterFlow can be used to develop personalized and niche applications, in this case, connecting users with elite athletic coaching.

Flutter vs FlutterFlow: Choosing the Right Tool

When it comes to mobile app development, both Flutter and FlutterFlow offer unique advantages. The decision between the two depends on various factors, including your coding experience, project complexity, development speed, budget, and the level of customization required.

There is no "one size fits all" answer when choosing between Flutter and FlutterFlow. Consider the specific needs of your project, the expertise of your development team, and your long-term goals to make an informed decision. At Third Rock Techkno we will help you with both the technology. Over 10+ years of experience in mobile development we will help you to turn your expectations into reality. Contact us now for mobile app development.

When choosing between Flutter and FlutterFlow, consider your coding experience, project complexity, development speed and budget, and desired level of customization. If you have coding expertise and need a highly customized, complex app, go for Flutter. If you're new to coding or need a simple app quickly and within a budget, FlutterFlow might be the better choice.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Can existing Flutter projects be easily migrated to FlutterFlow, or vice versa?

Migrating from Flutter to FlutterFlow is not straightforward due to their different development approaches. However, FlutterFlow projects can be exported to Flutter for further customization or integration into existing Flutter codebases.

2.   How has the performance of applications developed with FlutterFlow evolved compared to those developed with Flutter?

Flutter apps generally offer superior performance due to direct compilation to native code, whereas FlutterFlow apps may have varying performance depending on the complexity of the app and the efficiency of the pre-built components used.

3.  Which is more beginner-friendly, Flutter or FlutterFlow?

FlutterFlow is more beginner-friendly due to its visual, low-code approach, which allows users to create apps without extensive coding knowledge. Flutter, on the other hand, requires familiarity with Dart and a deeper understanding of app development concepts.

4.  In terms of customization and flexibility, which platform provides more options?

Flutter provides a higher degree of customization and flexibility, allowing developers to create highly tailored and complex applications. FlutterFlow, while offering a convenient development process, is limited by the available pre-built components and templates.

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