Table of Contents
Step 1: Download and Install Elastic search
Step 2: Elastic Search Configuration
You got big data, millions of record to handle and the load is so huge that RDBMS can not handle it… Then ELK is the way to go.
I am not going to discuss what is ELK or why you should use it. But I will give you the procedure you can follow and get the ELK setup up and running in least possible time.
So let’s start with installing Elastic Search
Step 1: Download and Install Elastic search
Right click on the DEB link and copy link URL.

Execute the following command to download and install latest version of elastic search
sudo dpkg -i elasticsearch-5.5.0.deb
sudo service elasticsearch start
Step 2: Elastic Search Configuration
go to /etc/elasticsearch and open elasticsearch.yml
find host, un-comment the line and change its value to ‘localhost’
remove the # from port, now save the file and restart elasticsearch service.
Step 3: Download and Install Kibana
Right click on the DEB link and copy link URL.

Execute the following command to download and install latest version of kibana
sudo dpkg -i kibana-5.5.0-amd64.deb
sudo service kibana start
Step 4: Kibana Configuration
go to /etc/kibana and open kibana.yml file
remove # from the line server.port, server.host and elasticsearch.url
Step 5: Download and Install logstash
Right click on the DEB link and copy link URL.

Execute the following command to download and install latest version of logstash
wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/logstash/logstash-5.5.0.deb
sudo dpkg -i logstash-5.5.0.deb
sudo service logstash start
I hope the steps have got your ELK environment setup in the machine. We love to share at Third Rock Techkno what we learn with our community.
Happy coding !!!
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