How To Build An Effective Business Process Management (BPM) Tool In Angular?

Tapan Patel

Aug 27, 2021

6 min readLast Updated Jan 23, 2023

Business Process Management

It comes as no surprise that most businesses consider business process management to be an expense. Many, in fact, feel that this cost would only be best justified when it comes to huge processes. That, however, is patently untrue. Businesses of all sizes can benefit from business efficient process management.

Common misconceptions around business process management are that it is similar to task management or project management. Neither of which holds any water. Task management tools are for individuals to help manage their day-to-day tasks. Project management on the other hand is useful for staggered information flows. Project management and task management can go hand in hand for one-time projects, but for repeated processes, one needs to invest in business process management.

Unorganized processes can end up draining a company’s time and resources in myriad ways. Usually individuals in a team have a clear perspective only on the section of the process they are working on. The ability to zoom out and take the macro perspective of the whole process can be a challenging task as complexity increases. This can make it difficult for managers to identify issues and areas that need more work.

This is where Business Process Management comes into the picture.

What is Business Process Management?

Business Process Management

BPM, or business process management, helps control and streamline the processes within an organization. This management approach will allow you to identify actionable data and spot the most efficient processes to help build your business. Technology is the key to BPM and can leverage a variety of tools ranging from robotic process automation to artificial intelligence to the internet of things to help you improve on efficiency.

This system ensures that you are shifting focus from organizing on the basis of tasks to shifting focus on organizing around outcomes. It helps you take a long look at your processes and work out all the kinks therein before applying automation to make it run smoother, faster and more efficiently. This is crucial in helping you remove repetition and allows for a better result.

BPM does not just stop at establishing and improving processes, it also helps assign ownership thus increasing accountability. It ensures standard processes across the organization making it easier to information and extract information when required. Moreover, the sheer ease of making changes and improvements with time makes it incredibly flexible. BPM helps you improve existing processes without wasting time on taking you back to the drawing board and starting the process from scratch.

By no means is business process management a single implementation exercise. It is an ongoing task that evolves with the business and benefits with regular assessment and improvements, thus helping the organization adapt seamlessly to change.

To ensure that your BPM is providing you all the benefits it should, you should ensure that it possesses the following crucial features.

Features of BPM

Features of Business Project Management

Enterprise Architecture Modeling

Enterprise architecture can help give your BPM the ability to chart processes from end-to-end. It no longer will be limited to projects, or departments instead allow you to have a birds-eye view of the entire organization’s value chain. This visibility allows you to plan the business’ architecture in order to achieve optimal efficiency. It not only gives businesses the ability to operate more efficiently but also helps them achieve their goals by giving them a value-based perspective on the operations.

Trustworthy Data Management

Data has become the most important asset of any business. It is near impossible to expect employees to go through the sheer volume of information coming their way with the same level of diligence and efficiency. This is where business process management comes into the picture. A BPM not only stores this information it also manages it for easy access by employees when required. It allows for easy access and storage while providing a strong base for analysing the data. With real-time dashboards and reporting, managing data becomes so much easier with BPM.


Being mobile has become nature to most businesses and consumers these days. Mobility here refers to the way that it is used, whether on mobile, laptops or desktops. Your BPM solution should be able to give you the enterprise mobility you require while allowing you to be in control in order to manage efficiency. A solid business process management tool anticipates this need and provides you with complete control regardless of the platform your business is being accessed from.


With most businesses working remotely these days, security has become something of a buzzword this last year. A BPM system will have access to all the layers of your data and can be at serious risk from malicious parties. With phishing and hacking costing businesses in the millions every year, one can never be too careful. Insisting on complete security features for the BPM system you are going for is an absolute must.

Social Collaboration

Large organizations often need the same information to be shared among a variety of stakeholders. At times like these it becomes crucial for your BPM to have features that enable sharing of information and thus adding to the business’ knowledge base. As opposed to usual formats of collaboration where one needs to be invited to collaborate, social collaboration makes the process a lot more inclusive. Not only does it help reveal ideas and suggestions that would otherwise have gone unnoticed but also helps the business capitalize on the untapped intellectual potential of its employees.

BPMN 2.0

This is the accepted standard for BPM since 2019 and offers the capability of detecting graphics in modeling processes. This is an absolute must-have feature for any BPM system that you are going for. This feature helps users transfer diagrams of different processes from one tool to another. In the absence of which, the business would have to design process diagrams from scratch making it a lot more time and resource consuming.

How We Built Nextpond


We were approached by our client Travis Reading, a business coach, to create a process that allows his organization to allow autonomous and smooth functioning. The idea here was to upgrade their existing software stack which had served them well so far.

Nextpond was originally designed in Angular JS and Java. At this point in time, Angular JS was still a nascent framework and was still evolving. With Travis choosing to go with Angular as an early adopter, we took the plunge of using a JS framework for the tool. The challenge here was the lack of resources when it came to libraries, integration and community support. A bigger challenge however, was to create a faster, and better system with a much more evolved UX than what was currently being employed.

The USP of using Angular JS was felt on two fronts. We used the dynamic page reload to refresh the content on the page without actually hitting refresh. This helped us create a design that had a much better and smoother UX than the one used earlier. Moreover, the addition of drag and drop elements to manage the process and department dashboards made it that much easier to operate. The Nextpond BPM was a success and was soon integrated by a larger platform on the basis of its robustness and versatility.


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